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Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed?

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Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed? Empty Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed?

Post by johninajijic Tue May 21, 2013 10:46 am

Is it illegal to cross the Border into the US, without stopping to remove the sticker, if you're never coming back to Mexico?
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Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed? Empty Re: Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed?

Post by CheenaGringo Tue May 21, 2013 11:02 am

NO but why not take the few minutes it takes to do things the right way? We have never had TIP removal take over 5 minutes in our numerous crossings. By the way, Mexico is actually the "owner" of your FM2 and you are expected to relinquish if you are leaving and do not plan to renew.

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Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed? Empty Re: Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed?

Post by lilikoi Tue May 28, 2013 9:21 pm

I know that is true. I am leaving though with it in hand and not relinquishing. It is good until January 2013, and it is my plan B in case I come back and pick up on work again. Temp Res.
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Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed? Empty Re: Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed?

Post by lilikoi Tue May 28, 2013 9:23 pm

BTW, more on topic, I crossed with TIP not removed on an RV in 2006. When I felt like selling the vehicle, I came back and had it removed.
I crossed when I was pretty sick and didn't have the energyu to deal with it, wrong line at Juarez, etc.

When I went back a month later to cancel, the man asked me why I wanted to cancel a 10 year RV TIP.

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Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed? Empty Re: Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed?

Post by RickS Tue May 28, 2013 9:44 pm

Is it illegal to cross the Border into the US, without stopping to remove the sticker, if you're never coming back to Mexico?

If you question is 'does the US care if I have a car with a Mexican Temporary Sticker on my windshield', the answer is NO. No one will ever mention it.

If the question is 'does Mexico care if I leave Mexico without canceling my TIP', the answer is technically yes.... but they won't come looking for you. The consequences of not turning it in (cancelling it) are: 1) you will loose the deposit you put on the TIP; 2) that car cannot be brought back into Mexico after that TIP expires.... ever; 3) since you 'promised' to remove the car before it expired, you may not be able to bring any car back into Mexico.... ever.

Now if you meant..... I'm just going to cross the border but come back 'soon' and before the TIP expires, well it's done quite often. But if, while the car is out of Mexico, should it be stolen, wrecked or the windshield replaced (there goes the sticker!) then you may be up the creek because you can't then 'remove' it officially when you were supposed to do so.

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Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed? Empty Re: Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed?

Post by Ezzie Wed May 29, 2013 5:52 am

CheenaGringo wrote:NO but why not take the few minutes it takes to do things the right way? We have never had TIP removal take over 5 minutes in our numerous crossings. By the way, Mexico is actually the "owner" of your FM2 and you are expected to relinquish if you are leaving and do not plan to renew.

... also, every time you cancel a TIP you do not get the full amount back that you initially paid. Banjercito keeps about $60 US to cover the cost of the sticker, admin. fees, etc.

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Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed? Empty Re: Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed?

Post by RickS Wed May 29, 2013 8:36 am

... also, every time you cancel a TIP you do not get the full amount back that you initially paid. Banjercito keeps about $60 US to cover the cost of the sticker, admin. fees, etc.

I don't think this has been my experience. I come and go as a tourist, sometimes twice a year. Each time I leave and turn in (cancel) my TIP at the border, my deposit is 'refunded' to my credit card within 3 business days. What is refunded is not always exactly what was deposited but the difference can generally be accounted for, I think, by the difference in the exchange rate coming out vs going in.

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Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed? Empty Re: Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed?

Post by CheenaGringo Wed May 29, 2013 8:46 am

In John's case, he crossed the border about 11 years ago when they weren't actually charging a deposit.

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Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed? Empty Re: Is it Illegal to Cross the Border to the US without having your sticker removed?

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