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Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US

little italy
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Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US Empty Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US

Post by johninajijic Wed May 22, 2013 10:53 pm

I'm thinking of getting Dputh Dakota plates before crossing the Border into the US, so I'll be Legal, instead of driving with an expired Mass plate.

How long does it take to get plates?
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Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US Empty Re: Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US

Post by little italy Thu May 23, 2013 4:30 am

[quote="johninajijic"]I'm thinking of getting Dputh Dakota plates before crossing the Border into the US, so I'll be Legal, instead of driving with an expired Mass plate.

How long does it take to get plates?[/quote]

John place the call to the treasures phone number I gave you and ask, I believe mine came in about a week. Start the process now as you don't have much time left.

little italy
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Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US Empty Re: Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US

Post by phxfunguy Fri May 24, 2013 6:19 am

Check online with your DMV. All states have some sort of temporary transport permits available, 3 day, 15 day, 30 day for legally driving cars with no plates or expired plates while a sale is in process to allow you to move the vehicle around, get the emissions tested, repairs done, etc. before you update the plates or change them to new ones. You print out the permit on your computer and put it in the rear window before you cross the border. I'll be doing this in three weeks when I take my car back to AZ to remove it.
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Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US Empty Re: Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US

Post by RickS Tue May 28, 2013 8:28 pm

How long does it take to get plates?

The time to get plates and title will depend a lot on how long it takes one to get their mail into Mexico.

Clay County SD will turn you plates around pronto.... only about 2 business days in their office. BUT, the title comes out of the State (not the County) and this currently takes about 3 weeks longer. Add on how long it takes you to normally get your mail into Mexico from whatever source you are using for mail forwarding.

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Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US Empty Re: Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US

Post by solajijic Wed May 29, 2013 12:15 am

Send it to the hotel you plan to stay in your first night over the border. Let them know its coming and to hold it. Pay them for your room. Call them periodically to see if it arrived and then to make sure they keep it.


Send it to the first Fed Ex location where you plan to cross the border. Let them know you when you are coming to pick it up.

Have the ladies in Clay County scan the registration and sticker then carry the scan with you.

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Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US Empty Re: Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US

Post by Sideways Wed May 29, 2013 8:04 am

How does this work with your US insurance company. Won't they wonder why you have SD tags but no SD address? Given how insurance companies are always looking for a way out of paying off on an accident, isn't this risky?

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Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US Empty Re: Thinking of getting So Dakota plates before I cross the Border into the US

Post by RickS Wed May 29, 2013 9:05 am

Sideways wrote:How does this work with your US insurance company. Won't they wonder why you have SD tags but no SD address? Given how insurance companies are always looking for a way out of paying off on an accident, isn't this risky?

I have never had an insurance company ask me where my car is registered. Their question is always, "will the car be garaged at your home address"? And, yes, I have filed a claim and had it paid (more than once) with SD plates here in Colorado.


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