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Calendar of Events

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Calendar of Events Empty Calendar of Events

Post by A/C Gypsies Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:12 pm

So the Ajijic News and Calendar of Events stated that there was a music festival going on down on the malecon today, starting at noon. My wife and I scrambled to get there on time, brought provisions for a picnic, only to find that there was absolutely NOTHING going on. Either the calendar had the time wrong, or the date was off. This is not the first time this has happened to us, and I have to wonder what the problem is.

While in town, however, we saw posters for a free Banda concert starting at four o'clock today. Unfortunately, we could not decipher WHERE the event takes place. Does anyone out there have advice? Please let me know the location!

A/C Gypsies

Posts : 31
Join date : 2012-10-05
Location : Ajijic, west
Humor : Willing to laugh, if you're funny

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