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A day in the life of

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A day in the life of Empty A day in the life of

Post by CanuckBob Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:18 pm

Now I know everyone living lakeside does more each day than hang out on the forum. I would love to hear what your typical "day in the life of" is.

Please tell.
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A day in the life of Empty Re: A day in the life of

Post by oncesubtle Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:08 pm

2 1/2 hour breakfast at Delicias with friends while Candace went to her ASA (Ajijic Society of the Arts) meeting and lunch with some of her amigas. One of the ladies at breakfast wanted to see a doctor for a muscle ache and everyone recommended Dr. Juan so I took her and her hubby to see/meet him. Then it was back to la casa to meet our maintenance guy to fix a leaky faucet. Then it was nap time (2 hrs.) then cooked dinner on our new stove! Not a typical day, just another day in paraiso, and of course the weather was perfect.

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A day in the life of Empty Re: A day in the life of

Post by kiva Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:00 pm

Breakfast sounds good.
I take it that everyone else is out shopping or golfing and unable to get to their computers?

When are you planning to move down CanuckBob?

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A day in the life of Empty Re: A day in the life of

Post by CanuckBob Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:44 pm

We are planning on moving down sometime in late 2012 or early 2013. Our plan is to sell our house in the spring of 2012, rent something and continue to work while we get everything in order. We wouldn't want to quit our jobs until we have everything in place down south (rental, FM3's, IMSS applications, bank accounts, etc.) Then we'll sell everything else (furniture, cars etc.) and come on down for good. We started planning this 5 years ago. What seemed like a long time back then is coming quick now. We are coming down again in April for 4 weeks for our last look around. Then the next time we go down after that will be to find a rental and get everything lined up. We are happy that we now have so many knowledgeable friends to help us out.
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A day in the life of Empty Re: A day in the life of

Post by Carry Bean Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:06 pm

I did nothing today but yesterday was "interesting." Woke up to no water & a neighbor's maid said they had water. Ran to the store for a couple gallons of water, cleaned up as best as I could & went to St. Andrew's bazaar which I left quickly since I didn't like being shoved around by the kids at the sales tables. Called H2Ole who came, changed my water filters & checked the dry ajilbe.

He said he'd let me know a phone number for a water delivery guy & that the municipal water sometimes gets shut down to different houses for a period of time. I called a plumber first, not the water delivery guy & a few hours later he showed up & turned the lever in my garage & water started filling the ajilbe. Don't know whether the H2Ole guy turned the lever when he checked the ajilbe thinking it was in the off position & left it that way and in the meantime the water came back on or not but the plumber fixed the constantly running toilet in the spare bedroom. Glad I didn't pay for a truck-load of water in any case.

That's not my usual day but it WAS a bit pricier than normal. Usually I go out for breakfast or lunch, poke around the different charity/consignment shops looking for stuff for the house, go to the grocery store and generally just hang out. Take a nap, read, watch TV & count my blessings that I'm no longer in the Virgin Islands. flag waver

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A day in the life of Empty Re: A day in the life of

Post by Chapalagringa Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:16 am

CanuckBob wrote:Now I know everyone living lakeside does more each day than hang out on the forum. I would love to hear what your typical "day in the life of" is.

Please tell.

Yes, please do tell, now that you are officially here!

My days vary some but usually begin by rolling out of bed between 7-8 a.m. I don't like to be on a schedule but really am, although pretend I'm not so that it doesn't feel mundane. However, it proves how crazy & controlled my life is, especially if wanting to schedule a change. People typically come to my house to visit & it's probably safe to say I'm home 95% of the time. Let's not get into too serious of a conversation before I've had my cup of coffee or the new thing is making my own latte. Oatmeal breakfast, walk the dog & show off to all the neighbors & workers what a great "weapon" I now have & encourage them to get one of their own. Shower, prepare a homemade bread, pasta, marinade, maybe brioche for cinnamon rolls or something that sounds amazing that could be duplicated by Julia Child. Some days, I don't feel like cooking so something brought in like chicken from the road side chicken stand, Lety's, Tony's or Los Cinco Potrillos(Pancho will deliver to our house even semi informal catering meaning, drop off the chaffing dishes to be returned the next day for larger parties)

I enjoy the "outdoor" living from inside or outdoor living from the outside. A homemade frappe in the afternoon. A look see here and there online when there is time for a break. Little feet constant for my attention, laundry that never seems to end. I can keep it clean but who likes to fold it? Of course a pile of wrinkled clean isn't appealing either. There are toys to pick up & playdo to clean up. Dogs to bathe & dishes to wash. Our current house guest loves the specialized homemade food but commented that there are 5 times the dishes to clean up & leathery hands to go along with it. Days to swim, days to shop in Guadalajara, days to surf online at leisure, oh I mentioned that. A wedding to plan, a problem to solve, the phone rings, an invitation to refuse. A spider to watch in the security camera, looks to be the size of your head. Old sitcoms to watch while the aroma of fresh bread fills the entire house. Nothing like going to bed and opening the bedroom door to have a burst of delicious homemade pizza hit your nostrils & the contentment of knowing you made that. Yes, the aroma floated back there, thank God it doesn't stink & that 4 shots of espresso don't keep me awake!

This evening I enjoyed the breeze & playing with my pack from the hammock, gazing at 2 of the brightest stars around a sliver moon.

There's a square foot vegetable garden, if I'm interested or let the herb garden take care of itself. Vast array of never ending colored flowers w/a bright green background to enjoy every moment there is daylight. Even in the night, the gorgeous lavender & green vines are enjoyed being lit above from dusk to dawn LED floodlights. Bird watching, listen to the crickets play their lullaby, maybe sirens go by. Young fellows who make me laugh till it's time for bed, then the whole adventure starts all over again. What to cook today, any ideas I pray? Off to the tianguis just after the maid arrives, hope no one sees me in my cap. One day he'll bring berries to freeze for smoothies, I hope it's not the same day my cookies sheets are busy. I think my days & longing for the adventure are gone, I'm in the adventure & content being here. Hope you enjoy yours! Let's not forget music either. I got to thinking I know where the best music lakeside is. Perhaps you stopped by to listen, as I saw your inquiring face, not even realizing where chapalagringa was hangin that day. Too each their own. The reality is that each person is going to do what they want to do with their life. This is your life. Are you who you want to be? Are you doing what you want to do? I know I am. I longed to live in a sunny place, couldn't have found this on my own, so I know I'm where I'm suppose to be ;o) mariachi
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A day in the life of Empty Re: A day in the life of

Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:29 am

Wow...........I just sit around drinking all day.

All kidding aside, we have not settled in or developed any routines yet. We are still living out of our suitcases in a hotel. This will change when we move into our home on Wednesday. In the meantime we have been visiting all our friends (and still need to get over to see you) and getting set-up. I have taken a 3 day roadtrip to PV to pick up Sharon and spent an afternoon on the ATVs. I am currently looking to purchase a vehicle to replace my rental. We will be applying for our visas and acquiring our Mexican drivers license next.
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A day in the life of Empty Re: A day in the life of

Post by Jim W Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:57 pm

My wife enjoys swimming in the buff.....
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A day in the life of Empty Re: A day in the life of

Post by juanrey Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:22 pm

Jim W wrote:My wife enjoys swimming in the buff.....

We don't have a buff, but I've been planning on getting one. You guys have the big one or the little one?

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A day in the life of Empty Re: A day in the life of

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