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Do you think there is a similarity between these pics?

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Do you think there is a similarity between these pics? Empty Do you think there is a similarity between these pics?

Post by lotusflower Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:26 pm

This guy, who the the CAD government refuses to extradite:

and this guy, perhaps skinnier, breaking into houses in La Floresta? :

Not hard to imagine this guy ending up in mexico.

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Do you think there is a similarity between these pics? Empty Re: Do you think there is a similarity between these pics?

Post by lotusflower Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:43 pm

Sorry, I noticed in the article that he had cut his monitoring bracelet off on Oct. 1, so probably not our perp in La Floresta. Keep vigilant anyway.

Horrible that Alberta government won't spend money to extradite a known sex offender.

This guy will likely end up in Mexico somewhere, for the mexicans to deal with.

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Do you think there is a similarity between these pics? Empty Re: Do you think there is a similarity between these pics?

Post by Spot Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:16 am

Not even close in my opinion.

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Do you think there is a similarity between these pics? Empty Re: Do you think there is a similarity between these pics?

Post by BobC Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:01 am

lotusflower wrote:Sorry, I noticed in the article that he had cut his monitoring bracelet off on Oct. 1, so probably not our perp in La Floresta. Keep vigilant anyway.

Horrible that Alberta government won't spend money to extradite a known sex offender.

This guy will likely end up in Mexico somewhere, for the mexicans to deal with.
I was pretty outraged, too, but it turns out it is not a matter of expense. The only "crime" for which he is actually wanted is cutting off his ankle bracelet and that offense is not in the US/Canada extradition treaty. (He has served time for his other crimes.)

As it turns out, he was born in the US, so is also an American. You don't suppose the FATCA people could get him on something?lol! 


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