microwave repair
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microwave repair
can this be done and who does it por favor?
Pedro- Share Holder
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Age : 81
Re: microwave repair
The guy just east (next door) to the Oxxo in San Antonio/Chula Vista fixed mine. I think his name is Roberto del Villars. Power supply or some other electrical problem...don't remember.Pedro wrote:can this be done and who does it por favor?
slainte39- Share Holder
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Re: microwave repair
With the price of new microwaves now a days I would just buy a new one. I wouldn't mess around with something like that.
Re: microwave repair
The repair shop one block off carretera on east side of Colon. I took mine there to fix the control panel (would not turn on) It cost $400 pesos. So just like ink cartridges it is better to just buy a new one. Get one made in Mexico--They seem to hold up better with all the fluxuation in power supply than those made in the US.
SunshineyDay- Share Holder
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Re: microwave repair
Last night saw what looked like nice microwaves, Hamilton Beach, if I remember correctly, as you walked into Walmart SAT. $1,100.00 pesos.
slainte39- Share Holder
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Re: microwave repair
Pedro wrote:can this be done and who does it por favor?
If it is a blown fuse => $50 - cheap to replace (ceramic body slo-blo).
If it is a slightly burned contact => $75 pesos to clean the connection and replace the burned end,.
If it is a blown diode => $75 - cheap to replace.
If it is a door interlock switch that moved, reposition switch => $50 pesos.
If the little solenoid that switches 110V to the high voltage transformer has burned contacts => $150 pesos.
Generally, these 5 items cover about 3 of 4 repairs. It takes less than 10 minutes and a $100 peso volt-ohm meter to check these 5.
After fixing about 50 microwaves for these items, almost all of them have worked fine for another 3-4 years.
Is $100 pesos too much?
Blown transformer or blown magnetron => $400 - $600 pesos and can be difficult to find parts - but if you have one of those over-the-stove special $4,000 pesos microwaves, it can make sense to pay the $600 pesos to fix even the exotic problem.
If you just buy a new one, consider donating your old one to someone to check/fix those 5 simple things - or fix yours**, save some $$$, and save the energy/pollution from manufacturing a new one ???
** If you choose to poke around inside your microwave oven:
1. Remove the cover, and
2. then DISCHARGE the big capacitor BEFORE touching anything, because that capacitor stores shockingly high voltage for a long time.
snowyco- Senior member
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Re: microwave repair
got a cheap new one and put the old one out with garbage and one of neighbours grabbed it. we don't cook with them-just reheat leftovers.
interesting info though.
interesting info though.
Pedro- Share Holder
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Re: microwave repair
I figure that after ten years, what's the point of fixing it? If you put it out on the street, chances are you're giving somebody a chance to mess with it and maybe squeak a few more years out of it. Pretty cheap to replace.
I wouldn't buy a Hamilton Beach ANYTHING from Walmart. We just replaced our toaster over with a H-B from Walmart. HAH. The fans on the convection setting sounded like a jet plane in agony, so we took it
back and noticed they resealed the box. Ya don't suppose they just stick it back on the shelf, do you? Took another one home and same problem. Two times is it. Took this one back, went to Tio Sams and bought a MABE. Works like it should.
I wouldn't buy a Hamilton Beach ANYTHING from Walmart. We just replaced our toaster over with a H-B from Walmart. HAH. The fans on the convection setting sounded like a jet plane in agony, so we took it
back and noticed they resealed the box. Ya don't suppose they just stick it back on the shelf, do you? Took another one home and same problem. Two times is it. Took this one back, went to Tio Sams and bought a MABE. Works like it should.
gringal- Share Holder
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