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Difficult connections - due to usage?

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Difficult connections - due to usage? Empty Difficult connections - due to usage?

Post by Canada_Mike Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:20 am

Hi, I use Skype a fair bit, and by and large have no trouble. However, twice now it has been really bad. The first time was the whole three day weekend of Día de la Constitutión, and the other last night - Valentines day. So, if everyone and their madre is on the net trying to say hi, will that clog the pipes and be what slows it all down?

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Difficult connections - due to usage? Empty Re: Difficult connections - due to usage?

Post by Zedinmexico Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:55 pm

Google Speedtest and run the test and you can see how the loading is. Yes we do run out of bandwidth sometimes here. Also if you have
cable modem it depends on how many people are using the cable in your neighborhood. DSL is a solid wire back to the switch so it is
not shared.

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