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There is a reason for my nickname.

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There is a reason for my nickname. Empty There is a reason for my nickname.

Post by Clueless Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:07 am

I am clueless on my cell phone situation.

I use Moviesar and know if I put $100 on it, usually get some added time. I also have been told that when I make or get a call, I am charged time. I'm also told that the free credit time is used first. So far I think I'm right.

I also know a number, starting with *7 that I can call and will get a text message saying how much credit I have left.

Here is where I am clueless.

I get the credit I have left ($197). I make a 3-minute call and make sure I disconnect; I am absolutely positive I disconnect.

I haven't turned the phone on for about 9 weeks (got another one w/different # and service) but when I returned to my old phone that should have had $197 on it, there is nothing left.

I called the SALDO *7 2 days ago and received a message back from *SALDO that says I have no access to all services.

Can anyone clue me in?

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There is a reason for my nickname. Empty Re: There is a reason for my nickname.

Post by Ms.Thang Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:17 am

Perhaps it's like TelCel and your credit expires in three months or x number of days. Infuriating , I know.

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