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Is there a bus to Instituto Cultural Cabanas or this general area?

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Is there a bus to Instituto Cultural Cabanas or this general area? Empty Is there a bus to Instituto Cultural Cabanas or this general area?

Post by mexicancorazon Wed Apr 15, 2015 5:31 pm

I am new to the area and have taken the bus into Guadalajara to go onto QRO but never into the city centro where I presume this museum is located. Is it possible to take another bus to this area or do I need to take a cab. If I have to take a cab, what should I anticipate cost and time wise? How about a bus to Tlaquepuque from Ajijic?



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Is there a bus to Instituto Cultural Cabanas or this general area? Empty Re: Is there a bus to Instituto Cultural Cabanas or this general area?

Post by sambrit10 Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:12 pm

I have gotten there in the past by taking the bus (the Guad express) to the old bus station and then taking a cab to the historical district. There are a zillion cabs at the bus station. I remember it as being maybe 15 minutes (lots of traffic) and 50-60 pesos for the cab. We have also walked from the bus station to the city centro so you can see it's not very far -- it was probably a half hour walk. Not a particularly pleasant walk, though.

You can take the same bus to Tlaquepaque by getting off sooner (ask the bus driver -- lots of people usually get off there) and again taking a cab to the central area. I think it was about the same amount of time and cost by cab. But it's been a while since I've done this.

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