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sand rust before repainting ironwork?

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sand rust before repainting ironwork? Empty sand rust before repainting ironwork?

Post by JayBear Fri May 13, 2016 5:41 pm

In a bygone era, I used to live on Beacon Hill in Boston, famous for its decorative ironwork on houses. There, I learned that one needed to sand off the rust before priming and repainting. But that was then and this is now. The guy who hopes to repaint the ironwork on the windows and doors of my condo is telling me that one can spray some kind of primer on the ironwork and then repaint, no tedious sanding required. I am dubious, but of course that route would be a lot less effortful for him and less expensive for me, so would you experts out there please advise? (As to how much rust we are talking about, the rust is not extensive, but it is noticeable upon inspection if your eyesight is good.)

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sand rust before repainting ironwork? Empty Re: sand rust before repainting ironwork?

Post by Zedinmexico Fri May 13, 2016 6:13 pm

Remember rustoleom paint in a spray can??

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sand rust before repainting ironwork? Empty Re: sand rust before repainting ironwork?

Post by JayBear Fri May 13, 2016 6:21 pm

Does that work??? Do they sell it here??? I think I never believed their ads.

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sand rust before repainting ironwork? Empty Re: sand rust before repainting ironwork?

Post by hockables Fri May 13, 2016 10:14 pm

if there is any blistering at all... sand to the metal, prime and paint...

rust paint is a qwik fix ...
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sand rust before repainting ironwork? Empty Re: sand rust before repainting ironwork?

Post by JayBear Sat May 14, 2016 7:38 am

No blistering, but the paint is white, so it is easy to see spots where the rust has come thru the paint. The ironwork is about 15 years old.

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sand rust before repainting ironwork? Empty Re: sand rust before repainting ironwork?

Post by indijones Wed May 18, 2016 11:32 am

The best way is to sandblast the fence, i am looking for a portable sandblaster to send down to lakeside and will reply by this friday if i have purchased it and if its on the way down next week.
If you can wait to repaint the fence 2 weeks. I would send my mexican university student to do the prep work.

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sand rust before repainting ironwork? Empty Re: sand rust before repainting ironwork?

Post by JayBear Wed May 18, 2016 11:35 am

Thanks, but's not a fence, it's the wrought iron bars on the windows and doors. Sandblasting would not be an option.

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sand rust before repainting ironwork? Empty Re: sand rust before repainting ironwork?

Post by indijones Wed May 18, 2016 10:30 pm

Iron bars can be sandblasted.
If they are on the windows you simply lay dome tarp and use plastic to contain the dust from coming inside the home. The doors also can be sand blasted.

Forget my offer.... not going to send a portable sandblaster lakeside.

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sand rust before repainting ironwork? Empty Re: sand rust before repainting ironwork?

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