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Snow Storm!

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Snow Storm! Empty Snow Storm!

Post by gringomojado Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:03 pm

16 years ago, Guadalajara had a "huge" snow storm. Though it really melted as it hit the ground, kids of all ages were out catching flakes. The radio was telling people that if they drove they should put chains on their tires.Mud chains maybe?

At work the girls were decorating my office the day before, I commented that without snow, it didn't seem like Christmas was coming. I then took the blame (gringo brujo).
Went to Chapala and a friend's family was huddled shivering in her house. I told her to burn the old boards she had. They had never thought of using the fire place, as the need never arose.
That was the coldest winter I ever passed, as the windows in my place in GDL didn't close well and I wasn't equipped for the cold.
Remember "the winter of '97?


A FB friend says that " El Informador" has an article on the "storm and cold wave.

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Snow Storm! Empty Re: Snow Storm!

Post by LaChula Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:34 am

Sure do! Had a new puppy in Nov.97 and we both froze in the cold house we lived in near 6 Esquinas.

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Snow Storm! Empty Re: Snow Storm!

Post by zenwoodle Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:23 am

I remember windows '97 or was that '98  Beer Beer 
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