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522: Tarred and Feathered -

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522: Tarred and Feathered -  Empty 522: Tarred and Feathered -

Post by Chapalamed Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:57 pm

ACT ONE of this PODCAST may bring to mind some anonymous "POSTERS" on this and TOB.


Gene Cooley had just suffered a huge tragedy, and he was trying to move on. But suddenly anonymous posters started saying horrible things about him on a website called Topix. The horrible things weren't true. But that didn't stop the people in Gene's small town — a town of just 600 people — from believing them. (18 minutes)

One of the person's interviewed aptly describes the character of such persons who make it their hobby of posting malicious slander on such boards.
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522: Tarred and Feathered -  Empty Re: 522: Tarred and Feathered -

Post by Pedro Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:03 pm

there is a little clique on here that like doing this sorta stough-SNORK!
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522: Tarred and Feathered -  Empty Re: 522: Tarred and Feathered -

Post by Seventyseven Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:21 pm

Except the clique has zero power.

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522: Tarred and Feathered -  Empty Re: 522: Tarred and Feathered -

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