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Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Lady Otter Latté
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by CheenaGringo Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:25 am

One of the latest hot topics has been the wasting of water in Guadalajara. In fact, there have been estimates in the media that something approaching 50% of the water used in Guadalajara is being wasted. Whether this is true or not, what difference does it make if they do not enforce the laws on wasting water? For offenders in the ZMG, these acts can be punishable by 36 hours in jail or some fairly hefty fines depending on jurisdiction.

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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by brigitte Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:23 pm

Unfortunately water is being wasted all over Mexico as well as stolen.

We have been out of water in our barrio for the last two weeks and had a meeting with the water company who told us the bulk of the water is being wasted and stolen and that there  is not enough pressure to reach the hills or maybe some lines are blocked meanwhile we are getting non potable water via pipas...
We also have a barrio that is threatening to close down the Spring Feria which is a big deal in San Cristobal as their water is being stolen by indigenous squatters..Nothing new. We get articles in the paper every year at this time of the year and measures are taken and nothing is enforced...

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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:26 pm

Two weeks without water is harsh. I always imagined Chiapas as one of the "wetter" states in Mexico.
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by brigitte Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:37 pm

Chiapas is very wet but we still have water shortages due to who knows what. Sampa does seem to know . The town is packed with tourists happily consuming the water in the center as is in the flats. Sampa says that the consumption in the flats should not affect us but meanwhile we have no water and lots of meetings..

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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by arbon Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:13 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Two weeks without water is harsh. I always imagined Chiapas as one of the "wetter" states in Mexico.

When we were there local people living above the St Nicholas ranch in St Christobal NEVER had any water, the women walked down to the tap outside the ranch in bare feet and carried the water up the hill, in containers.
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by CheenaGringo Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:24 pm

When Lake Chapala is having problems with the lake level dropping, isn't it great to know that such a high percentage of the water being sent to Guadalajara is being wasted?

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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by brigitte Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:40 pm

We do not live in a rancho but in the historical cente and pay for the service.
Yes many places do not have wate especially the places where squaters moved in and there are trouble now as some of the squaters are taking water away from someestablished barrios.
Actually some of our neighbors have the traditional pilas and they have to stay up for the water to come and they aslo have to wait for the pila to be full and turn off the tap. As the water only comes at night they sometimes fall asleep and the water runs all over the place.
Another complain from the wate company. We have asked them to deliver duing the day but they refuse and tell people that a flotador is 75 pesos and they should get one...
San Nicholas in the hollow is now a regular neighborhood with some very nice houses. Arbon you would not recognize the place.

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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by CHILLIN Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:44 pm

In 1953, after most of the game birds died, there was serious talk about converting the Lake into farmland, including efficient aquaducts for irrigation. It was thought that Mexico needed food and income more than a fairly useless body of water. In 1955, it became popular to 'save the lake' - but as long as it is in words only.
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by brigitte Sun Apr 20, 2014 3:27 pm

Guadalajara are not the only one wasting water, the same thing is happening lakeside and anywhere in Mexico where there is a flat fee. The water company in San Cristobal estimates that 50% of the water usage is either stolen or wasted... that is pretty bad.

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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by CHILLIN Sun Apr 20, 2014 3:36 pm

This academic article is pretty heavy going, but if you are interested in the back story of Lake Chapala, and the political wranglings, it is quite interesting. In Mexico the Sun is Gold, and the Water is Silver.
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by Zedinmexico Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:07 am

And 40% of it leaks out of the so called aquaduct and the locals don't want them to build a new one
because of mistrust when in reality Guads are the only folks with political clout. Local folks demonstrating only makes locals feel better. Bad situation made worse by folks not listening and mistrust of city folks to north.


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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by eagles100 Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:36 am

We're in Lower Riberas and it has been at least 7 days since the city has sent water to our house. Off to Simapa we go this morning.
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by brigitte Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:19 am

Eagle, the more neighbors go with you and the better for all of you. If it is a block or a neighborhood problem, the more people go together the better.
In Chiapas the neighborhoods stand together and elect a representative. We have a barrio president and the next barrio has a lawyer that lives there and represent them.
In our meeting last week a Regidor came and we met with the Director of Simpa. Minutes of the meeting were taken and we all signed them and did not leave until the director signed the promises. We also had he press there.
I hope you are not the only one with the problem as it would be easier for you to get heard. Good luck.
We have another meeting tomorrow morning. They sent water once in the last two weeks and sent 4 water trucks for free. I would love to have that water analysed, it is a total disgrace and they blame the tinacos for being dirty...They ae also telling everyone who is calling that their house has a leak and that it is their fault.

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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by CHILLIN Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:32 pm


The News

Mexico City will not experience water shortages during Holy Week, an official from the capital promised on Tuesday.

Traditionally, Mexico City residents have engaged in water fights during Holy Week, consuming copious amounts of water. This has led the city government to restrict the amount of water available to residents in previous years.

“We’re not expecting a big problem. The (water) supply will be what the city requires,” Mexico City Water System (Sacmex) head Aguirre Díaz said. “We have no problem because the water supply will be better than normal. Due to the fact that many people leave the city, there is a decrease in demand in the city. There are no schools, businesses or offices (operating), and this helps avoid the problem.”

He said that the next long weekend in May will see a 40 percent decrease in water supply, due to maintenance to be carried out on the Cutzamala System, which provides much of Mexico City’s water.

Aguirre Díaz said that the National Water Commission (Conagua) will look for ways to mitigate the effects of the water cut as much as possible.

He added that there will be a 100 percent temporary water cut in July, but did not give an exact date.
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by brigitte Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:07 pm

I bet you that Mexico City is not different from anywhere else some people have water and some do not. The tourist areas  and wealthy areas have water for sure but do not look too closely to poor areas in the hills. It is all BS and spinning. The article maybe  rue but personally I do not believe a word of what I read in most papers or hear on the radio,

Here they were announcing on the radio  that the problem was resolved because some people got water on Friday..They forget to say that we got nothing the  4 days  after that and also forgot to mention a demonstration by other barrios at the Feria..
The water company is living one step ahead of the gun, it is pretty sad

This morning they told people who said they had problems with the water for a year not to feel bad because they had just resolved a 10 year issue in another barrio. That did not go over very well either.All you get  is promises and spin.

You can be assure that all the cuts in DF will not be done evenly some people will feel them and some will not.

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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by dogperson Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:05 am

It is so disappointing to see the lake not being taken care of. I dont think anyone here sees the potential in it. With the population of Guadalajara so close the lake could be as popular as Lake Tahoe if it was clean and promoted as a vacation destination.

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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by Lady Otter Latté Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:18 am

"I dont think anyone here sees the potential in it."

Really? No one? Not one person?
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by Pedro Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:27 am

dogperson wrote:It is so disappointing to see the lake not being taken care of. I dont think anyone here sees the potential in it. With the population of Guadalajara so close the lake could be as popular as Lake Tahoe if it was clean and promoted as a vacation destination.
so the population which doubles triples and sometimes quadruples on weekends aren't really from guadalajara,but merely chapala residents who have been hiding in their casas all week-SNORK!
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by gvprod Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:37 am

one day the lake will be dry. Where will Guadalajara get their water?
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by CHILLIN Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:37 am

gvprod wrote:one day the lake will be dry. Where will Guadalajara get their water?

That's the whole point - from a totally engineered point of view, the Lake is unnecessary, a tremendous waste of water and farmland. I think what has kept the Lake alive is the rumors of heavy metals and toxic sludge in the lake bed - which would screw up agriculture and be expensive to fix. The Tapatios are swarming to Puerto Vallarta, especially the younger 'urban professional' types. Very expensive clubs, very selective - no tourist frat boys allowed.
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by Jeff Raybourne Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:39 am

CHILLIN wrote:
gvprod wrote:one day the lake will be dry. Where will Guadalajara get their water?

That's the whole point - from a totally engineered point of view, the Lake is unnecessary, a tremendous waste of water and farmland. I think what has kept the Lake alive is the rumors of heavy metals and toxic sludge in the lake bed - which would screw up agriculture and be expensive to fix. The Tapatios are swarming to Puerto Vallarta, especially the younger 'urban professional' types. Very expensive clubs, very selective - no tourist frat boys allowed.

Just more ridiculous Chillin inventions.

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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by Pedro Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:43 am

gvprod wrote:one day the lake will be dry. Where will Guadalajara get their water?
one day the entire planet will explode. i've seen all those disaster movies and they're all true-SNORK!
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by CanuckBob Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:07 pm

Seems to me the lake has gone through cycles of high water and low water. The lowest point was back in the 50's mainly due to several years of drought. The environment is changing. It seems to be getting colder NOB every winter and this part of Mexico could be due for more annual rain. Who knows? From what I have read the biggest problem lies with all the dams up the Lerma river. This lake filled pretty quickly last September when they open those dams due to the torrential rains. I think the Federal government needs to get involved (and stay involved) to find some sort of balance.
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by sparks Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:39 pm

That reminds me ..... gotta go water the street
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Wasting Water in Guadalajara Empty Re: Wasting Water in Guadalajara

Post by eagles100 Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:35 pm

Meanwhile, tomorrow will be day 10 and still no water *groan*
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