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Monclova Empty Monclova

Post by bimini6 Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:27 pm

Anyone out there know how long of a trip to Monclova
And, is there a no tell motel there or a place that accepts pets?
Thanks for the info!

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Monclova Empty Monclova

Post by solajijic Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:52 pm

There are several national chain hotels and motels within Monclova proper. If you stay on the main drag thru town there will be innumerable options available. There is NOTHING overnight on the outerbelt. We make it from Ajijic at 5:30AM thru Monclova and on into Piedra Negra at 9:30ish. It is worth the whole trip to do it in a day because if you get up early out of Eagles Pass, TX which is the US side of Piedra Negras you can be in San Antonio by 10 AM.

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Monclova Empty Re: Monclova

Post by bimini6 Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:13 am

Thank you for the reply, we may try to make it all the way to the border. Just need the option of stopping in Monclova if needed. Can you tell me which direction you take to Monclova? Thanks!

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Monclova Empty Re: Monclova

Post by RickS Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:01 pm

bimini6 wrote:  Can you tell me which direction you take to Monclova?

North.  Monclova Icon_biggrin

As suggested, there are several nice hotels in Monclova. Some are high priced (for Mexico) in my opinion.  I have stayed at a Comfort Inn that is moderate,  has a restaurant and secure parking. It is about 8-10 short blocks west of the main drag (Blvd. Harold Pape) on Calle Boulevard Benito Juárez. Google 'Monclova Mexico Motels'.
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