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Enforcing the new federal noise law

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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by JayBear Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:15 am

The Lakeside Community Council, a group designated by the governor to foster communication between the expat community and government officials, has had a meeting with the Chapala authorities regarding the new federal noise law.

The Council advised them that any official or police officer who has a smart phone can get a decibel level measurement app. Ipod apps are available through Apple and Android through Google Play. The Ajijic Delegado Advisory Committee will assist any official needing an app.

There are three enforcement inspectors assigned to Ajijic. They were identified as Alonzo Bocho, Juan and Juan Cortez.

The process was set up whereby residents would call the police 765-4444, when they believe the law is being violated. The police can ask the offender to comply, but, have no authority to enter a property. If the offender doesn't comply or returns to the violation once the police leave, you must call the police again and ask for an inspector to come. Please monitor and report to the Ajijic Delegado or any Advisory Committee member if the inspector doesn't come.

Copies of the law are available from the Guadalajara Reporter.

ALL events should have a license from C. Luis Ernesto Lopez Amavizca, Oficial Mayor de Padron y licencias 765-8013. He has agreed to give a copy of the law with all licences.

Enforcement officials are currently receiving training on enforcement of the law.

Dale Palfrey of the Guadalajara Reporter will be doing a more detailed account of the meeting.

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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:47 am

This will take time. You are trying to change a culture. Not sure how fast that can go.


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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by Mainecoons Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:18 am

Some details as to how to measure (from the street, from the sidewalk, where?) would be helpful.

I have a sound meter that reads A scale if someone would like to borrow it.

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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:29 am

Personally, I have found that it isn't nearly as noisy in Ajijic village as it was a few years ago other than during the obvious fiesta times. We used to hear cohetes on a daily basis and now I can almost count the times I have heard them this past year.
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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by addtocart Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:54 am

Zedinmexico wrote:This will take time. You are trying to change a culture. Not sure how fast that can go.

Mexicans have a long track record of both obeying the law and being respectful of others.
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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:44 am

addtocart wrote:
Zedinmexico wrote:This will take time. You are trying to change a culture. Not sure how fast that can go.

Mexicans have a long track record of both obeying the law and being respectful of others.

With Noise ??????!!!!!!!!  Every guide book says Mexicans are noisy.  Even the Mexicans tell me how noisy they are. I don't think they have a good track record with regard to noise.  Ask the folks who live next to the Catholic church in San Antonio when the priest is blathering with his loudspeaker.  That's not being very respectful at all.  I could give dozens of other examples.  Rockets in Ajijic at 3am in the morning. etc etc etc.  I don't care I use to live next to plaza and it was too much so I moved. Problem solved.

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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by casi nada Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:46 am

Zedinmexico wrote:
addtocart wrote:
Zedinmexico wrote:This will take time. You are trying to change a culture. Not sure how fast that can go.

Mexicans have a long track record of both obeying the law and being respectful of others.

With Noise ??????!!!!!!!!  Every guide book says Mexicans are noisy.  Even the Mexicans tell me how noisy they are. I don't think they have a good track record with regard to noise.  Ask the folks who live next to the Catholic church in San Antonio when the priest is blathering with his loudspeaker.  That's not being very respectful at all.  I could give dozens of other examples.  Rockets in Ajijic at 3am in the morning. etc etc etc.  I don't care I use to live next to plaza and it was too much so I moved. Problem solved.

You have no sense for sarcasm, do you?

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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by viajero Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:36 am

Whoosh.... Rolling Eyes 

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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:45 am

Yep duhhhh me..


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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:06 pm

This board needs a sarcasm font.  Very Happy 
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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by MexicoPete Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:57 pm

We now have the rules or laws, and any of us who have a smart phone, even a low level smart phone can download an app to the phone so that we can measure dBs or the noise level, and that's a start.

I guess I'm lucky, because I live even farther north up the hill in Ajijic than Zed does. Over the last six months, every time there has been noise from a party, I've gone outdoors and checked the dB meter. The sound is never that high.

I am sure glad I don't live that close to party spots. Oh I bet the fireworks or rockets that explode in the sky are sometimes a little too loud, but no big deal, except during the 9 or 10 day Ajijic party around November. And that's no big deal

For those of you who live closer to the party locations, I truly hope that those throwing these loud parties will choose to have parties that are not as loud. I think there is hope.

Bur only time will tell.
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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by Mainecoons Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:57 pm

That raises the "where to measure" question again. At your house or in front of the potential offenders?

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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:03 am

Well if you need to drive 6 blocks to measure some noise it probably isn't bothering you that much..........jajaja.
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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by SnowDaddy Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:16 am

mariachi "I am sure glad I don't live that close to party spots. Oh I bet the fireworks or rockets that explode in the sky are sometimes a little too loud, but no big deal, except during the 9 or 10 day Ajijic party around November. And that's no big deal"

I was worried that I might have to tone down my party mode...good to know I can avoid that thought in November
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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:57 pm

I see on TOB they are now complaining about the daytime music from the Zumba classes in the various plazas and malecons. What a friggin embarrassment..........
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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by viajero Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:46 pm

CanuckBob wrote:I see on TOB they are now complaining about the daytime music from the Zumba classes in the various plazas and malecons. What a friggin embarrassment..........
This might be hard to believe but some of the neighbors across from the park where my wife goes to exercise class with about fifty other neighborhood ladies at 8:30 AM have complained about the music and they're Mexicans.....
Needless to say the ladies pay no attention to them.

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Enforcing the new federal noise law Empty Re: Enforcing the new federal noise law

Post by JayBear Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:47 pm

The ladies have got to stop playing the Lawrence Welk CD's;)

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