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Driving in and flying out.

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Driving in and flying out. Empty Driving in and flying out.

Post by elevator Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:37 am

Posted a couple weeks ago about driving down with an RV. I will be driving my car down prior to that to find a rental and then fly back and pick up the wife and pets and return in RV. I have heard several different stories about leaving my car and flying back. I understand it is illegal, but several have said they have had no problem doing it. I have also read that it I possible to get a waiver/bond from an attorney that will make it legal. I know a residente temporal allows me to do that, but it appears one must have an address in Mexico to do it and it takes a while.

Sounds as if document from a lawyer is the way to go. Any other suggestions.

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Driving in and flying out. Empty Re: Driving in and flying out.

Post by Mainecoons Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:01 am

You can't leave the car if you are coming in on a tourist permit. When you exit, the tourist permit expires and hence the car permit is no longer valid. They are really sticky about this.

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Driving in and flying out. Empty Re: Driving in and flying out.

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:34 am

Elevator, you need to talk with our member, Intercasa (aka Spencer), who is our resident lawyer. Send him a PM.
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Driving in and flying out. Empty Re: Driving in and flying out.

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:55 am

Elevator, please listen to Bob´s advice and talk to an attorney. Much more reliable than people´s opinions on a web board. And, even if someone else had no problem doing something does not mean you will not--especially if what they did was illegal and they just happened to get away with it.
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Driving in and flying out. Empty Re: Driving in and flying out.

Post by Zedinmexico Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:31 am

If you came in on a tourist visa when you leave you must remove the car.  A temporary visa from consulate office in US will solve your problem.  A temp visa is not a tourist visa and allows a foreign plated car to be here while you are out of Mexico.  Go see Spenser.  This is the type of thing that you should get professional advice in my opinion. Its not that expensive here. Be aware we have two Spencers here one does cars at S&S and one is a Lawyer in Chapala. You need to go see the lawyer.

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Driving in and flying out. Empty Driving and flying

Post by elevator Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:35 pm

yep just gonna go with the temporary visa.

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Driving in and flying out. Empty Re: Driving in and flying out.

Post by gfresh Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:50 pm

elevator wrote:yep just gonna go with the temporary visa.

Yes that's the way to go BUT... once you enter with that Residente Temporal you can't leave Mexico UNTIL you receive your Residente Temporal Card.  I'm in this exact process now. The GOOD: doing the application in the US is great and quick 24hr max. (it puts you in the INM computer system, which is better that waiting for someone to do it here). You'll get a sticker in your passport that you'll use at the border to enter and you'll receive a Canje 30 day visa, you'll have that to time go to INM and start the process in MX.  In my case, two weeks after entering I got the call for Fingerprinting.  I'm now three weeks past that "hurtle" waiting for "the card".  

So the BAD: is you're stuck here until you've got the card. The other thing is you'll need a Telmex or CFE bill with an address of residence with your name on it to even start the process. Thus depending on your timing to return to the US for the family, you could be here awhile, so keep that in mind.  



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Driving in and flying out. Empty Re: Driving in and flying out.

Post by Rolly Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:12 pm

"...Telmex or CFE bill with an address of residence with your name on it..."
It does not have to be in the applicant's name, but it does need to show the correct address.
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Driving in and flying out. Empty Re: Driving in and flying out.

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:17 am

Or you can use a signed rental agreement that has your name, the landlords name and the complete address.
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Driving in and flying out. Empty Thanks for the helpful response folks....

Post by elevator Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:07 am

Now I'd be interested in getting opinions about a reliable moving company in Lakeside. My plan now is to drive a rental RV to San Antonio, turn it in there and have a moving company meet me there to take the stuff we bring in the RV to Lakeside. We will pack as much as we can into a bus type RV, but a light delivery truck should handle it easily. This appears to be a better plan than trying to rent another RV to go into Mexico and will save me return trip.

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Driving in and flying out. Empty Re: Driving in and flying out.

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:36 pm

There is a local moving company here called Strom-White. They specialize in bringing household goods down from Canada and the USA.

Here is a link to their website:
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