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Ajijic Delegado project

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Ajijic Delegado project Empty Ajijic Delegado project

Post by JayBear Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:56 pm

Delegado Hector Espana has heard the requests for repairs/replacement to the street sign arrows. He can have any sign you want put up for 150 pesos. Anyone wishing a street sign contact Harry Bublin at 766-4282.

Hector would like to do something about the trash piles that appear around the village. He has arranged to have trash barrels permanently installed at selected locations. The example cans are on the carretera a little east of Multivalories bank and opposite Actinver. They will be placed where the sponsor wants and otherwise where trash accumulates and neighbors can monitor/report attempts at mass dumping. The cans are purchased in Guadalajara. Then reinforced and mounted on supports at a welder. Then taken to a painter and then a sign person to put the sponsor's message, logo etc. The cost is 1000 pesos installed. To sponsor a barrel contact Harry.

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