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Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so!

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Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so! Empty Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so!

Post by Go Solar Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:08 am

Many of you (hopefully) have seen the postings here and on TOB about Helaine & Marvin Harthcock's bad accident and recoveries, now ongoing:


Here is the link to the "Go Fund Me" donation page:


To support these efforts, STI Solar Technology would like to offer 100% of the sale proceeds of a solar water heating system (any size, any type carried) to further support the fund raising efforts for them.

Just email or PM me to take advantage of this great way to help them, and $ave 85 to 90% on your gas bill$ while having great solar hot water in your home.

ron (at)

Truly a good time to "go solar".

If you already have a system, please consider supporting the effort yourself through the donation page, or at the fund raising event at the CCC from 3 to 6 pm on Tuesday July 29th.
Go Solar
Go Solar
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Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so! Empty Re: Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so!

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:44 am

WOW......that is a very generous offer Ron.
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Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so! Empty Re: Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so!

Post by Go Solar Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:59 pm

Bump.....that's tomorrow 3 to 6 pm folks!

Or click here to view & support online:

Go Solar
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Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so! Empty Re: Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so!

Post by Luisa Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:10 am

I am very concerned about the insurance company that not paying their bills. Is there any way you could let us know what insurance company that is? Maybe we could help more by applying pressure to their local insurance agent.

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Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so! Empty Re: Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so!

Post by Go Solar Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:50 am

You can check with Don Lott or Terry MacDonald about that, they are heading the donation campaign and may have that info for you. PM me if you need the contact info for either of them.
Go Solar
Go Solar
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Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so! Empty Re: Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so!

Post by Go Solar Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:13 am

Congrats and thanks to Don & Gwynne Lott; they will have a new STI Solar Technology hot water system shortly for their home, great hot water and 90% gas $avins$, and there will be a nice donation directly to the Helaine campaign for the full value of the system.    

Todo bien!
Go Solar
Go Solar
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Location : Lakeside
Humor : Punography

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Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so! Empty Re: Continuing and building the lakeside appeal for Helaine & Marvin - please help a great couple in their time of need - an an OFFER to help you do so!

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