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Welcome to a new sponsor

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Welcome to a new sponsor Empty Welcome to a new sponsor

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:37 pm

Welcome to a new board sponsor:

ALEJANDRO (ALEX) SALAZAR GUTIERREZ CONSTRUCTION (Written estimates) (Speaks English) (Work guaranteed)
Calle Paseo de los Veleros #26A, Ajijic
Tel: 045-334-593-6417

I don't usually go out on a limb and recommend too many businesses however Alex has done all the renovations around our place so I know about his work first hand. He came highly recommended to us at the time. Alex's company has built and renovated many homes around the lake, including some of the very high end ones. We plan on doing some major renovations next year and we wouldn't even consider anyone else. Alex has a degree in Civil Engineering and his construction techniques are very modern. All of his employees are fully vetted and all of his work is absolutely guaranteed. If you are considering any work at all I suggest you include Alex on your list of prospectives.
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Posts : 20464
Join date : 2010-04-04
Age : 61
Location : Lake Chapala (from Vancouver)
Humor : Sick and twisted

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