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RIP Joan Rivers

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RIP Joan Rivers Empty RIP Joan Rivers

Post by CanuckBob Thu Sep 04, 2014 5:01 pm

I though she was hilarious. RIP Joan.
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RIP Joan Rivers Empty Re: RIP Joan Rivers

Post by SnowDaddy Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:28 am

Me too for sure, RIP Joan Rivers
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RIP Joan Rivers Empty Re: RIP Joan Rivers

Post by shana Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:52 pm

I enjoyed Joan Rivers on tv shows and in theaters. She was funny and very blue in her humor. However her off stage persona was so different. She was very much a lady and was warm and friendly. I had the good fortune to be a guest on her show twice several years ago and so had a chance to spend some time with her.
I have a video of at least one of the shows and would love to turn it into a DVD. If anyone knows where this can be done I would appreciate the information.

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RIP Joan Rivers Empty Re: RIP Joan Rivers

Post by Hensley Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:30 am

I bet her daughter is a mess they were close, RIP.
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RIP Joan Rivers Empty Re: RIP Joan Rivers

Post by Zedinmexico Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:24 am

shana wrote:I enjoyed Joan Rivers on tv shows and in theaters.  She was funny and very blue in her humor.  However her off stage persona was so different.  She was very much a lady and was warm and friendly.  I had the good fortune to be a guest on her show twice several years ago and so had a chance to spend some time with her.
I have a video of at least one of the shows and would love to turn it into a DVD.  If anyone knows where this can be done I  would appreciate the information.

Tom at LCS DVD rental store can do this for you.


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Location : On the hill in Ajijic
Humor : Red Dwarf, Marx Brothers, SCTV

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RIP Joan Rivers Empty Re: RIP Joan Rivers

Post by shana Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:28 am

Thank you! I actually have several I need to have converted.

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RIP Joan Rivers Empty Re: RIP Joan Rivers

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