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Are there any rentals in Ajijic

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Are there any rentals in Ajijic Empty Are there any rentals in Ajijic

Post by hogline Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:34 am

We are looking for a one month rental in March and are having a heck of a time finding one. Is the town so booked that everything is taken? I know that just one month is difficult to find but we are not having any luck at all. We are looking for a 2 bedroom place in a reasonable price range. Maybe we should look into 2 casitas, although I do not see those available either. Can anyone help or suggest something?

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Are there any rentals in Ajijic Empty Re: Are there any rentals in Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:42 am

At this point, most people are trying to rent their "short term" rental houses for the entire season (Oct - April) or a least a good portion of it. They won't usually commit to a short, 1 month term this far in advance. I know it feels better to get something locked up 6 months in advance however you will probably have better luck getting a commitment closer to your arrival. Try looking again in November/December.

That being said I also suggest you look on VRBO, FlipKey and AirBNB if you haven't already checked these sites.
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Are there any rentals in Ajijic Empty Re: Are there any rentals in Ajijic

Post by Ms.Thang Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:46 am

Yes, what Bob said. I had some friends who got a two bedroom for one month rental at El Dorado during high season. It was on short notice though.

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Are there any rentals in Ajijic Empty Re: Are there any rentals in Ajijic

Post by hogline Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:01 am

It is hard to wait and I understand that people are looking to fill the long term rental. When I look at the calendars for properties many appear to be booked for a year or more. Just hoping to find something.

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Are there any rentals in Ajijic Empty Re: Are there any rentals in Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:06 am

Check those sites I quoted above if you haven't already. They specialize in short term rentals.
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Are there any rentals in Ajijic Empty Re: Are there any rentals in Ajijic

Post by slainte39 Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:15 am

Rentals will become more difficult to find because of all the new obstacles thrown at foreigners to purchase property and qualify for residency, the price of homes, and as well as, the conventional advice of being told to rent...forever, or at least until you are sure of your desire to live here and the location,  if you do.
I am referring to decent to good rentals....there will always be the garbage rentals.

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Are there any rentals in Ajijic Empty Re: Are there any rentals in Ajijic

Post by Mainecoons Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:37 am

Try this one:

A fellow moto rider booked it for a week in February, private house in La Floresta.
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