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Need Travel Advice

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Need Travel Advice Empty Need Travel Advice

Post by Walter 6th October 2014, 2:11 pm

I have been spending time Lakeside for the last six years or so. Have driven a few times and flown a few times. This time I would like to bring my bus, towing an old army jeep.

I am considering a campground on Allen W. Lloyd Way, just across from El Parque. I have never seen anyone other than the owner parked there. The lot itself doesn't look overly secure. I have been burgled twice in Mexico. Just a bit edgy!

There is a lot south of the Carraterra, possibly on Independicia. On Google Earth it looks a bit shaky too.

Now, one big issue that I have is getting there. I will be travelling from Livingstone, TX (Just north of Houston), sometime in December. I have yet to make the trip without getting lost. Just my nature. Backing up is not an option. The rig is 37' plus toad. Guadalajara creates a problem every time, except the first time that I did it. This will be my first trip with GPS for Mexico. I have problems staying on the Cuota. Maybe GPS would help. It Is a free app on my cell, Navmii. Does anyone use it?

Well......input please.
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