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Dr. Brizeño and Dr. Valenzuela are moving-Open House October 16.

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Dr. Brizeño and Dr. Valenzuela are moving-Open House October 16. Empty Dr. Brizeño and Dr. Valenzuela are moving-Open House October 16.

Post by sm1mex Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:30 pm

I received this from Dr. Valenzuela today. The new office is located in the same plaza as Integrity. When taking the libramiento, turn right into the parking lot immediately past Pemex and Oxxo and the new office will be on the right.

October 6 2014
Ajijic, Jalisco Mexico
Dear Patients and Friends
Quality Care is a new medical group coming to the lake
side area Featuring Board Certified specialized physicians
who have been meticulously selected to provide the best
and most professional health care services in Cardiology,
Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Surgery, Internal
Medicine and Geriatrics, Urology, Ears Nose and Throat,
Orthopedics, Pneumology among others.
We would love if you could join us in our grand opening
event Thursday October the 16th at 06:00 pm. at our
location Interlago Plaza Libramiento # 132 Local 6.
House opening event will feature wine, music and a tour
of our facilities with the Quality Care Doctors and staff in
which we would like to greet and meet you as well as
introduce our practice to your disposal.

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Dr. Brizeño and Dr. Valenzuela are moving-Open House October 16. Empty Re: Dr. Brizeño and Dr. Valenzuela are moving-Open House October 16.

Post by sm1mex Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:47 pm

I stopped by the new Quality Care office today and Dr. Briseño was there with the workmen. It is going to be first class.

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