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Chapala IMSS and Civil Courts Moved

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Chapala IMSS and Civil Courts Moved Empty Chapala IMSS and Civil Courts Moved

Post by Intercasa Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:52 am

Just to let you all know that on Monday, November 3, 2014 the civil courts (Juzgado Primero y Segundo de lo Civil) moved from downtown Chapala to Riberas.  Their new address is Hidalgo 77, they are in the space where Zona Gym used to be on the Chapala side of Mascaras Clinic and next to the upscale retail store.

IMSS is also in the process of moving their Chapala clinic to now be located next week by Cristiania Park and Red Cross, González Gallo #23.
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Age : 54
Location : Chapala / Zapopan
Humor : Barbed wit

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