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Need Nexus 5 reverted to kitkat 4.4.4 from lollipop 5.01 please

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Need Nexus 5 reverted to kitkat  4.4.4 from lollipop 5.01 please Empty Need Nexus 5 reverted to kitkat 4.4.4 from lollipop 5.01 please

Post by 00Peso Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:20 pm

smash comp Yes, after the OTA update on my Nexus 5 from kitkat to looloopoop/lollipop the gps and audio output thru earphones are kaput.
I have tried a hard reset and still have lost both functions. This seems to be the case with alot of other users of the Nexus 5 smartphone. I have filed a bug report with Google and no response, they list the problem as a low priority(gps) on the website.
Is there any one out there wiling to revert my phone back to kitkat for me ? I will recompense, or if anybody knows of a business that can handle this problem please let me know. I do have a copy of what looks like the most easy way to do this revert. However , it does not look that easy to me and seems to require a little bit of tech savvy, more than mine and/or patience will allow. I do use the gps as a stand alone device on this phone for many things , and would appreciate the help.
Mucho Gracias

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Location : Jurassic Park
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