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From tob

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From tob Empty From tob

Post by itsme Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:24 pm

Just Chillin has been robbed and vandalized

No further info than that.

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From tob Empty Re: From tob

Post by zenwoodle Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:34 pm

That is just terrible. They were doing so well.
Do you suppose that had anything to do with it?
I will drop by tomorrow and talk to Paulina and Rene.
Let's make sure that these people can get back running again.
Maybe a place for a swarm Beer Beer
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From tob Empty Re: From tob

Post by oncesubtle Wed Feb 11, 2015 3:34 am

Perfect place and reason for the next swarm. It would be nice if someone could post a list of things they need to recover. I'll bet we could really make a difference and maybe even save their business by swarming with pots and pans and stuff. Is there anyone out there who knows them and can be the point person?

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From tob Empty Re: From tob

Post by CanuckBob Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:17 am

I have some contact information for them so I'll try to find out what is going on and if they are able to open for a swarm.
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From tob Empty Re: From tob

Post by gringal Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:58 am

Just heard from the Chillin' folks themselves on TOB: They expect to be back up and open on Thursday. Amazing. They are putting off the LCS "annex" a bit.
Whoever did this poured out all the liquor, vandalized the pictures and in general made a mess. I didn't hear that the pots and pans were bothered, but they sure could use the money from a swarm and lots of patronage in general.

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From tob Empty Re: From tob

Post by spacedebris Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:19 pm

From tob MEZv5td
Here are pictures of painting going on today. The "kids" are opening at 11:00 tomorrow, would really welcome visitors and are in very brave spirits. They voiced no speculation on the cause of the break-in and are just focusing on re-opening by tomorrow. They could use the loan of a microwave and big screen TV until they can replace these items We are taking our bar blender tomorrow to loan them. I"ll buy 2 bottles of Grand Marnier and take it with (oddly enough, the thieves didn't break the Grand Marnier bottles. Just emptied all of them and made a neat but giant, pile of empty bottles in the middle of the floor). The place is trashed but they will be open for business as of 11:00 tomorrow. I expect a lot of us will be there tomorrow to show support. See you then!!

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