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broken cell phone, etc

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broken cell phone, etc Empty broken cell phone, etc

Post by itsme Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:36 pm

How does one dispose of a dead cell phone? Just toss it in the garbage?

Does anyone know the size of those rebars which are used in cement? Not the bars but the rectangular ones? I am thinking about 8 x 4, but may be wrong. How much would one cost? TIA.

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broken cell phone, etc Empty Re: broken cell phone, etc

Post by Rosa Venus Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:11 pm

The Telcel store in the Centro Laguna shopping center across from Walmart has a big, acrylic box where people dump their dead cell phones. Don't know where the end up after that, but here's hoping.
Rosa Venus
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broken cell phone, etc Empty Re: broken cell phone, etc

Post by itsme Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:03 am

Thanks, I will drop it off today. Now I need to get the info on the rebar.

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broken cell phone, etc Empty Re: broken cell phone, etc

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