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Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport?

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Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport? Empty Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport?

Post by DuckieHoomever Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:29 pm

A friend is picking up someone arriving via ETN bus from Barra tomorrow at the Guad airport, but can't figure out exactly where it stops. (I rode the bus in a couple years ago, and it stops some distance from the main terminal.) Can anyone give directions to the bus stop? (The driver knows well how to get to the main terminal.) Thanks.

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Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport? Empty Re: Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport?

Post by Ezzie Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:34 am

I do not believe that ETN services the airport.  They only stop at the designated inter-city terminals in Guadalajara (Central Comoniera in Tonala, Periferico Sur by the Elektra warehouse and the western terminal at the Periferico & Vallarta).

You need to find out what terminal your friend's friend is arriving at and probably have him/her take a taxi from there to the airport to meet your friend.

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Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport? Empty Re: Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport?

Post by scooterbum Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:31 am

The ETN bus from Barra de Navadid (Manzanillo) does make a stop at the airport.
Here is a link to directions.
ETN - GDL airport


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Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport? Empty Re: Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport?

Post by BRLAhere Mon Mar 16, 2015 1:18 am

We returned from Barra de Navidad on Feb 8th and (disappointingly) were told at our stop in Manzanillo that the buss would be unloading at the Guad airport before going to the Guad terminal.  None of this was announced on any bus scheduling that we knew of.  From the time we turned South off the Periferico onto the Chapala highway and did the airport dropoff and arrived at the ETN terminal was an additional 45-minutes for us.  I was curious as to where a bus terminal was at the Guad airport as I tried to pay attention.  If my memory serves me right, when the bus got to the roundabout it went to the left there, traveled down a ways then turned two rights and we stopped at a small bus terminal.  I didn't see it marked specifically for ETN, so other bus lines may use it as well.  More than half the folks on the bus got off one got on.
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Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport? Empty Re: Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport?

Post by ddmacleod Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:30 am

The ETN bus with service to and from Manzinillo and area always goes through the airport. Always has. If you look online for a ticket it is there very clearly....Guadalajara Aeropuerto. The same bus services the usual bus station. This is how people get to and from Colima and the International airport in Jalisco. For those of us at Lakeside the airport stop is much more convenient and quicker.

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Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport? Empty Re: Directions to the ETN bus stop at the Guad airport?

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