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Friend needs a set of dogie steps

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Friend needs a set of dogie steps Empty Friend needs a set of dogie steps

Post by simpsca Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:00 pm

A friend of mine has a dog with disc problems in it's back and needs a set of dogie stairs - the kind you put up to a couch or bed so small dogs can get in and out. If you have a set and would like to sell it (used or otherwise) or know where she can buy them, please email Marci at: marci452(at)yahoo(dot)com.
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Friend needs a set of dogie steps Empty Re: Friend needs a set of dogie steps

Post by Carry Bean Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:27 pm

Too bad I didn't bring the ramp I had for a pet I had a couple years ago. I'll look when I go to yard sales. Post back if she finds one.

A ramp works well & shouldn't be difficult for a carpenter to make. The ends need to be hooked to be stable when placed between the mattress & bed springs. The ramp itself was covered in carpet.

Carry Bean
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Friend needs a set of dogie steps Empty Re: Friend needs a set of dogie steps

Post by simpsca Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:13 pm

She is thinking of having a ramp make if she can't find steps. I had a cat years ago with back problems and I set of a series of plastic boxes like steps - so she could get in and out of bed. But a dog would be too heavy and they would slide.
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Friend needs a set of dogie steps Empty Re: Friend needs a set of dogie steps

Post by kiva Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:10 am

There are plenty of instructions on how to make pet steps available on the net. Wouldn't it be cheap to have someone make them? Just a suggestion.
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Friend needs a set of dogie steps Empty Re: Friend needs a set of dogie steps

Post by simpsca Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:37 am

Several of us told her that she could take a photo to a local carpenter. She can do that but it will take a little time and she is hoping to find something as soon as possible.
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Friend needs a set of dogie steps Empty Re: Friend needs a set of dogie steps

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