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espíritu del lago
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Post by espíritu del lago Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:11 am
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Post by ltollefs Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:44 am

espíritu del lago wrote:

...and now for a rational perspective. From the article...

"Officials from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have decided to accelerate the license of a flu vaccine geared for use in seniors over the age of 65, and also one that has been linked to at least 13 deaths last year, prompting several countries to temporarily suspend vaccine lots containing the drug."

Yep, 13 dead people. In a year. According to the CDC, in excess of 1300 people die every day in the US alone due to smoking related causes. Now factor in alcohol abuse, cancers and heart disease etc and that number might increase a tad. But no one is panicking over it. Because people die all the time (approx 6500 every day in the US). And, of course, the right people are profiting.

Why don't go foment your baseless fears elsewhere.
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Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:09 pm

So, 13 people dead in a year? Wow. Do you realize that 90% of deaths from flu are in people age 65 and older? Or that about 20,000 people age 65 and older die each year of complications from flu?
It seems as though for us old farts the flu shot is a much lower risk than actually getting the flu.
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Post by ltollefs Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:36 pm

Lady Otter Latté wrote:It seems as though for us old farts the flu shot is a much lower risk than actually getting the flu.

That was exactly my point. Ignore the anti-science Chicken Littles and get the shot.
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Post by Catoca Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:00 pm

espíritu del lago wrote:

Frankly, as a conspiracy theory, IMO it ranks up there with "birthers". So much of the information on the internet has no basis in fact.

But then would you rather believe an obscure anti vaccine site or the WHO and the FDA ?


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Post by espíritu del lago Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:00 pm

Its a link, information some will ,some won't.

Makes no difference to me, just passing it on..
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Post by RVGRINGO Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:28 pm

Why? What is your motive for passing on obvious nonsense? There sure is a lot of it out there.....links and all.

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Post by slainte39 Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:26 pm

espíritu del lago wrote:Its a link,  information some will ,some won't.

Makes no difference to me, just passing it on..

I know it makes no difference to you, but you forgot to mention that if you travel too far, either east or west, you will fall off the earth. I guess you just don't have enough time on your hands to keep us fully informed.

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Post by viajero Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:04 pm

Catoca wrote:
espíritu del lago wrote:

Frankly, as a conspiracy theory, IMO it ranks up there with "birthers". So much of the information on the internet has no basis in fact.

But then would you rather believe an obscure anti vaccine site or the WHO and the FDA ?

Here's a "heads up",the OP lives in Texas....

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Post by RVGRINGO Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:37 am

That explains it all. It is one of those places where most school principals forbid their teachers to give failing grades.

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Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:53 am

Obviously, Texas schools also fail to teach critical thinking skills.
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Post by Zedinmexico Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:17 am

Certain people do die of  certain vaccines if you go look at the data. Ask the soldiers from the gulf war and the bad results when they were forced to take experimental anthrax vaccines. Yes I get Hepatitis and Tetanus shots so I am not a anti vaccine person but this is part of big Pharma and I do have some mistrust and I do my homework before I take vaccines ignoring many. Not so sure about children and vaccines. Not so sure about how many jabs are being offered at the same time. Yes we have whooping cough now in the US thanks to so many parents questioning vaccines.  I don't have an answer but I find enough evidence and patterns in the data  to make me at least question some of this stuff and to study a jab before I get it.  I do the same thing with drugs also.  Are you going to be the first to take the Dengue fever vaccine which is coming out soon? Its a very complicated subject but I suggest you read the data and decide for yourself.  Also figuring your risk is important also into a figuring out whats right for you.

Blast away


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Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:32 am

Zed, I think you are expressing the way many of us approach vaccines. This discussion is about the fear mongering tactics of the OP.
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Post by Zedinmexico Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:09 pm

One person indicated they believed the FDA and WHO.  I and other don't trust either completely. Yes fear mongering exist and this was a great example I agree but I think you overestimate the number of folks who really do study the data before getting the shot. Doctor tell most folks and they do it. Smart lady if you actually read about a shot before you get it. Not many folks do. I personally think the shingles shot is an example of this and I had shingles at 18 so I know the pain but I have serious questions about the shot considering the cost. I work to keep my immunity system healthy as I think this is more constructive than shot after shot after shot which many doctors push.


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Post by jrm30655 Tue Nov 03, 2015 5:22 pm

To each, his own.......

I don't take the shots, I think they are virtually useless. There are 100s of variations of flu and these cover only a few.

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Heads up!!! Empty Re: Heads up!!!

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Nov 03, 2015 5:49 pm

Zedinmexico wrote:One person indicated they believed the FDA and WHO.  I and other don't trust either completely. Yes fear mongering exist and this was a great example I agree but I think you overestimate the number of folks who really do study the data before getting the shot. Doctor tell most folks and they do it. Smart all lady if you actually read about a shot before you get it. Not many folks do. I personally think the shingles shot is an example of this and I had shingles at 18 so I know the pain but I have serious questions about the shot considering the cost. I work to keep my immunity system healthy as I think this is more constructive than shot after shot after shot which many doctors push.


I must know smarter people than you. We all read a lot before making decisions. No one I know would get the shingles shot. Only medically fragile people I know have chosen to get flu shots.
Also, my doctor explains risk/value and we discuss options. Then I decide what I do and do not want. I would not go to a doctor who "pushed" anything.
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Post by Zedinmexico Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:54 am

Yea I guess I just know stupid people LOL. Thanks for pointing that out. Hate to tell you I watch the lines of folks at the LCS health fair getting shingles shots. Guess they are all stupid also.


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Post by gringal Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:20 am

Zedinmexico wrote:Yea I guess I just know stupid people LOL.  Thanks for pointing that out.  Hate to tell you I watch the lines of folks at the LCS health fair getting shingles shots.  Guess they are all stupid also.


Is that shingles shot the one that I originally heard cost $300 U.S. dollars a shot? What are they charging at LCS?

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Post by Lady Otter Latté Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:59 am

Zed, you are the one who said I was smart if I actually read about a shot before I got one. Sorry, if I misinterpreted that to mean you thought people who did not were stupid. My bad.
Some older people still cling to the doctor as all-knowing god belief. Also, some are more fearful than others and more risk-adverse. They want to believe they are safe and a shot makes them feel safe. Then, of course, there are the ignorant and gullible who may or may not also be, yes, stupid.
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Post by Zedinmexico Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:38 am

Appreciate that thanks. Yea I see the folks lining up at LCS for the latest shot and wonder how much research they did. My Mom says lookout for one of the new lifetime Pneumonia shots. She is a geneticist and a smart cookie and can read studies. Note there is more than one type of these to be fair. I did get the five year jab as Pneumonia kill old people. Nickname is "Old persons friend" at the end.


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