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a few basic questions from a newbie....

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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by toedippers Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:41 pm

We arrive next week to take possession of our home in Ajijic and are very excited...

But like Canada Mike - we've got a few basic questions:

1. Do people get house insurance in Mexico?  If they do - does it work the same as in the US or Canada or are there some 'quirks' to be aware of? any favorite providers?

2. We've noticed that ADT exists in the area - is it common for folks to sign up with a home security company and if so - are some better than others?

3. Couldn't care less about TV - but need a good/fast internet connection - is there consensus on who we should sign up with?

4. Last one - the mornings look pretty chilly in Ajijic these days - does having a fireplace or two warm up the houses, or do they hold their heat overnight, or do you all just sleep under a big pile of blankets?

Many thanks


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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by RVGRINGO Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:02 pm

1. No, hardly worth it unless you have original receipts for everything you own. Concrete does not burn well.
2. Uncommmon.
3., but we had good results with Telmwex DSL for internet and Telecable for TV.
4. Yes....For a few days.....Yes; or all of the above.

Now; relax, dive in beyond just your toes, and enjoy.

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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by JyC Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:47 pm

I strongly disagree with #1 which is home insurance. We carry insurance mainly for liability issues concerning people working on or around our property if they are injured. We also home insurance for issues such as trees damaging our neighbors property or retaining walls failing and causing damage to our neighbors.


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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by David Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:22 pm

1. Many do. This is an earthquake zone.
2. Some do, some have alarms, many don't.
3. Telmex is OK.
4. Having a fireplace or space heater comes in handy on cool mornings.
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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by Canada_Mike Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:35 pm

1. What JyC said. There is potential for earthquake and torrential reain, etc.
2. Get a dog.
3. For wifi is use Telmex. I heard that Telecable may be faster but goes down a lot.
4. No opinion.
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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by Playaboy Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:31 pm

I would purchase home insurance. I have had to file 3 claims in 13 years, 2 for hurricane and 1 for broken glass. The adjusters and companies were extremely helpful. Contrary to RV's post, I did not have to show any receipts for my lost items to claim them.

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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by Intercasa Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:58 pm

My .02 centavos.

I have insurance as it covers earthquake, people being injured, electronics and appliances being fried by lightening and theft.  I pay US about $400 per year.  

As far as internet, I have had both Telecable and Telmex.  Telmex has been more reliable, Telecable starting a year ago began to fail real bad, being down about 80% of the time and the numbers dont work to call for service where we need to keep going by and nagging them to come by and they do and say it is inside or outside, sometimes they fix it but then within a week it is off again, not TV just internet.  

For security if you are a techie get cameras, at least you can see who is on the street or at the door and they can see the cameras so you might be less of a target.

As far as temperature extremes.  A mini split unit, both AC and Heat runs $6,000 pesos o less with installation.  Why suffer?
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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by David Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:06 pm

Playaboy wrote:I would purchase home insurance.  Contrary to RV's post, I did not have to show any receipts for my lost items to claim them.

You will if you are burglarized. I've had the experience: No receipt, no coverage.
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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by Playaboy Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:10 pm

David wrote:
Playaboy wrote:I would purchase home insurance.   Contrary to RV's post, I did not have to show any receipts for my lost items to claim them.

You will if you are burglarized.  I've had the experience: No receipt, no coverage.

That sucks. I guess with a hurricane the adjuster can see the destroyed items claimed. Nobody steals sandblasted TV's and refrigerators.

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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by Semalu Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:05 am

Re Davids comments on no receipt, no insurance: The service provider just wants some sort of proof that what you are claiming is something you actually owned and was in your house. They too deal with a lot of insurance fraud. I was told to keep receipts or take pictures of everything in situ for anything that does not have a receipt. (ie: pictures identifiable as being in your house).

Toedippers, do not expect anything to be just like home. It is not. The quirks are many and, depending on your own attitude to adventure, will either frustrate or amuse you beyond belief. Go for the latter. Its healthier. Learn the language and your quality of life will improve tremendously. Most of all, enjoy yourselves.

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Post by David Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:10 am

"Some sort of proof" is not sufficient when it comes to jewelry! Receipts or appraisals ONLY.
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Post by RVGRINGO Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:15 pm

In other words, Toedippers, it is entirely up to you and your comfort level.

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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by Zedinmexico Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:40 pm

Have both Telecable Cable modem internet service and Telmex slower but more reliable DSL service which depends how far away from switch your phone wires are.  If I have both one usually works. Have 10 Telecable and .8 Telmex DSL service. High season here stinks as too many folks here using internet but off season much better but this will change over time. I hate to say it but if you can afford it I would have both services in my house. Close to Telmex switch I could live with 5 DSL only. This time of year on weekends my cable modem becomes useless but DSL ticks on slow but sure.


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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by Zedinmexico Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:52 pm

You asked about heat and yes we have Catalytic type furnace heaters burning LP gas and a fireplace burning about a cord of wood a winter. Gas is cheaper but firewood is a luxury we buy even if we should not sorry to say. Houses can vary how they hold heat. Location location location relating to the sun makes a big difference but one might be great in the summer and one might be better in winter. Big thick wall are good but one does need to be careful to avoid the humid or wet house. We are very careful to try to vent out our house every day to avoid humidity collecting in clothes for example in a closet. So each house is different some great in winter some great in summer. So one has to adjust to house. We may be at 5000ft but we still are in the tropics and should act accordingly.

Good luck


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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by Canada_Mike Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:38 pm

When I said I had no opinion about the cold, I forgot my good Canuck answer - put on another sweater. Also, if you have someplace to sit in the sun that will usually do it.
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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by Carry Bean Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:53 pm

In the 6 years I've been here, I've never turned on either of my fireplaces or had any sort of heater. It can depend on your house how cold it is so you'll just have to see for yourself. Lots of people like heating pads or flannel sheets in the winter. Heating pads are easy to pack.

I've never had an alarm service but I have bars on every window & door & wouldn't live without them. I also have 4 dogs who are not nuisance barkers at all & I feel completely safe where I live but I planned for security when the house was being built.

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Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:29 pm

After seven winters here I think an electric mattress cover and layered blankets is best for the night. The propane space heaters can take the chill off any room that needs it.
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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by gringal Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:34 am

Lady Otter Latté wrote:After seven winters here I think an electric mattress cover and layered blankets is best for the night. The propane space heaters can take the chill off any room that needs it.

Some of these old houses (mine, for instance) really soak up the cold and winter gets mighty chilly, so it all depends on
how well acclimated you have become (note Canadians walking around it shorts and tshirts) while Mexicans and some of us old Gringos are bundled to the ears. We have had a roaring fire going in the evening after 8:00 and an electric oil heater going most of the day. depends.

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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Location Check

Post by rvanparys Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:01 am

We live in Rancho del Oro and have insurance... Our area experiences flooding on occasion and there is always the possibility of earthquake.... both are bummers if you do not have insurance especially if you have a pool on a hillside...

If you have valuables I would suggest a personal property floater with worldwide coverage. You normally must submit appraisals for such coverage...

I second the great advice on taking pictures for any future claims.

My two centavos

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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:42 am

Be aware that small electric heater is probably not a good idea here due to cost of electricity over 250Kwh a month. We use small LP heaters that use a Catalytic converter to eat up the bad fumes but they still burn up oxy. in room. Normally our houses leak so no problem and the newer heaters have oxy. sensor and shut off if oxy. goes too low. Probably not a technology that should be used in tight  US House but no problem here. Some folks put in big solar panel arrays to run a electric heat pump for heat or cold as we have net metering here. Big house, electric heater, bad electric bill. I pay six times what I would pay in Seattle area for electricity. Bring down some LED bulbs as they are big money savers and so much cheaper in US. I like Cree brand at Home Depot.

Listen to what WE are all saying its good advice and remember it all depends....Oh does it depend.....

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a few basic questions from a newbie.... Empty Re: a few basic questions from a newbie....

Post by gringal Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:56 am

Zedinmexico wrote:Be aware that small electric heater is probably not a good idea here due to cost of electricity over 250Kwh a month. We use small LP heaters that use a Catalytic converter to eat up the bad fumes but they still burn up oxy. in room. Normally our houses leak so no problem and the newer heaters have oxy. sensor and shut off if oxy. goes too low. Probably not a technology that should be used in tight  US House but no problem here. Some folks put in big solar panel arrays to run a electric heat pump for heat or cold as we have net metering here. Big house, electric heater,  bad electric bill. I pay six times what I would pay in Seattle area for electricity. Bring down some LED bulbs as they are big money savers and so much cheaper in US. I like Cree brand at Home Depot.

Listen to what WE are all saying its good advice and remember it all depends....Oh does it depend.....

....which is why we have 9 solar panels on the roof. That heater is the kind that looks like a radiator and warms the oil inside it to create heat. We have more than enough Oxyen in this leaky old house. No problems.

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