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Change of address

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Change of address - Page 2 Empty Re: Change of address

Post by gpbasap Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:04 am

I think they remember the entitled attitudes and actions of a few ex-pats.

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Change of address - Page 2 Empty Re: Change of address

Post by Trailrunner Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:13 am

gpbasap wrote:I think they remember the entitled attitudes and actions of a few ex-pats.

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Change of address - Page 2 Empty Re: Change of address

Post by nthensome Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:14 am

Pobrecito,que sufrido...
Viajero, I was born and raised in a place where everyone looked like me. Part of the majority. Yes, there are vast degrees of discrimination, and this was minor. What I was saying is that I had not tasted is before..
Also the poor woman was the only one at the desk during the Easter holiday. Even though I was polite and trying very hard, she was not helping even a little. She did brighten up when a gent came in to ask her about what to do with his Mexican plated car when he leaves. She took his phone number so she could look at his car. They were on a cirst name basis. A few minutes later a woman asked her for visa info and she told her to go to the website and would not tell her more.
I have only been here 5 months. I am taking Spanish lessons, and my old, rusty brain is grinding it's gears. I am slowly learning, but words on a form...I didn't get help because, how hard could it be? I'd changed my address at the USPS online lots of times!
For those of you who have moved, she didn't care about my lease, just had me fill in a form with move dates. That surprised me.

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Post by brigitte Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:15 am

suegarn I never had much problems either and I did everything myself, I am not a citizen and I will never have to deal with that man again so praise the Lord..

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Change of address - Page 2 Empty Re: Change of address

Post by slainte39 Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:22 am

sm1mex wrote:I think they forget how the expats support the economy at the lake and all of the volunteering and giving expats do.


I think they/he doesn't have a degree/education/or interest in economics or knowledge of expat activities.
Just simple pencil pushing bureaucratic government employees, most likely with an attitude for some reason.

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Change of address - Page 2 Empty Re: Change of address

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:46 am

slainte39 wrote:
sm1mex wrote:I think they forget how the expats support the economy at the lake and all of the volunteering and giving expats do.


I think they/he doesn't have a degree/education/or interest in economics or knowledge of expat activities.
Just simple pencil pushing bureaucratic government employees, most likely with an attitude for some reason.

Maybe some Mexicans develop an attitude after being reminded one too many times how much expats are supporting the economy and all the volunteering and giving expats do? Expats do not live here so they can support the local economy. That is a byproduct of them living in a better climate where their money goes further. Expats volunteer and give because they have the time and money to afford that luxury. Many of them also get a lot of ego gratification from all that they do and the continuous bows they take for it. If I am sick of hearing about it I can only imagine how the Mexicans feel about it.
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