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Red Hats Society Unit

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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Red Hats Society Unit

Post by SuzieQ1954 Sat Apr 16, 2016 1:07 pm

It appears the Red Hats Unit in Ajijic is inactive. Is there any interest in reviving this or starting a new one? The clubs were originally for women over 50 but are now open to any age. The women decide what activities they want, but it usually involves eating out somewhere. It could turn into a small group outing to someplace interesting. But the kicker is that the women all wear red and purple and many times funky hats. It is intended to be fun and was based on a poem titled "When I am old I will wear purple."

Just checking the waters for interest before proceeding.

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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by gringal Sat Apr 16, 2016 1:52 pm

A couple of women I know who were newbies looking for a fun group tried it out and found that the general topic at lunch was beetching about their men and life in general. They abandoned ship and found more fun joining interest groups: playing games, cooking club, various hobbies, going in for volunteer work and book clubs. Just hearsay there, of course.

I love wearing purple, and since I'm older than dirt.....I'm entitled to it.

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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by Carry Bean Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:14 pm

I look awful in red or purple. Not for me.

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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by Flamingo Sat Apr 16, 2016 6:46 pm

Personally I prefer getting together with a group of like-minded people to accomplish something, but that's just me. There is (was?) a group called Chapala Gals that got together for lunch, you might check them out.
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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by SuzieQ1954 Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:21 am

Gee, could I sipulate only positive, caring individuals join? I, too, prefer something with a little meat in he conversation and the opportunity to learn how I might help those less fortunate than I. I just like to be silly sometimes, too. Can't bitch about men. I only have dear friends in my life. Sure they have warts. I just agree not to discuss theirs if they leave mine alone.

Maybe I am just ready to retire now that I am coming to Ajijic. I have tried before. Volunteering became another job after a time, so I went to work part time. Now I just want to relax a bit. I'll contribute to the community's needs, but I will limit the hours I spend trying to accomplish something---unless it's my painting.

One of the things I love about Mexico is the release of the need to always be accomplishing.

I am a redhead, so red and purple are probably not my best colors, but they are fun to wear together. But I asked the question and have answers. I can be outrageous without creating a group. In fact, I will probably attract those who are a bit off center and delight in laughing at themselves.

Thanks so much for the input. I do appreciate it.

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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:39 am

You sound like someone I'd like to meet.

There are endless groups and affiliations to join and charities to 'work' with but I would recommend you just come and chill for awhile. After you get to know people, opportunities arise that you can either embrace or ignore as you wish.

I think Chapala Gals calls themselves CGals now and they have a Yahoo group. If you want to meet a lot of gringas who go on trips and lunch, contact and see about joining.

I missed medicine after a year or two and so many people told me I should go down to Cruz Roja and check it out so I did. I ended up volunteering there for years and it enriched my life a million percent. I also made some wonderful Mexican friends, expanded my Spanish, and helped save a few lives in the interim.

Some people come here and join everything and get involved with everything. After about a year they are exhausted, have no free time, and spend all their time trying to get out of these groups.

When you are ready, you will know what to do. Suerte!
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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by gringal Sun Apr 17, 2016 11:36 am

SuzieQ1954 wrote:Gee, could I sipulate only positive, caring individuals join?  I, too, prefer something with a little meat in he conversation and the opportunity to learn how I might help those less fortunate than I.  I just like to be silly sometimes, too.  Can't bitch about men.  I only have dear friends in my life.  Sure they have warts.  I just agree not to discuss theirs if they leave mine alone.  

Maybe I am just ready to retire now that I am coming to Ajijic.  I have tried before.  Volunteering became another job after a time, so I went to work part time.  Now I just want to relax a bit.  I'll contribute to the community's needs, but I will limit the hours I spend trying to accomplish something---unless it's my painting.

One of the things I love about Mexico is the release of the need to always be accomplishing.  

I am a redhead, so red and purple are probably not my best colors, but they are fun to wear together.  But I asked the question and have answers.  I can be outrageous without creating a group.  In fact, I will probably attract those who are a bit off center and delight in laughing at themselves.


Thanks so much for the input.  I do appreciate it.

Sent you a PM

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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by holdrja Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:31 pm

Yeah, SuzieQ, would like to join a Red Hats group if it was for women who like to be silly and have a lot of laughs! But, how to make that so??? I have the purple dress and several red hats - who cares if they look good on me? - from joining a red hat group long ago in New Jersey. But that group, alas, had the same issues- lots of bitching about men, coupled with some fairly intense high school cliquish stuff. Not my cup of tea....
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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:54 pm

Chapala Gals require a member invite you I believe unless that has changed. I believe also some unofficial red hat groups exist here but have no info sorry.

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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by CanuckBob Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:38 am

There is a group of Red Hat Ladies that participated in the Chili Cook Off parade every year. They are out there.
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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by SuzieQ1954 Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:56 am

Thanks so much for all of your input. I will put it to good use.

I am so hoping to meet some of you with whom I have been "talking" in preparation for my move. Where do you suggest I start. I so don't want to get involved in the "burnout circle" of activities, even if they are for good causes. But I do enjoy people.

Have the house. Have some furnishings. Just have to complete packing and get on the plane---hopefully by mid June.


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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by CanuckBob Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:51 am

There are a lot of "burnout" circles around here.......jaja.

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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:44 am

My wife is a "Red Hat" here and a group still exists. The disbanded group gave the red hat stuff they had to this group. Chapala Gals is an invite only but with 250 members one can usually get someone to invite. You can be as involved or not involved as you want to be Suzie.


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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by SuzieQ1954 Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:26 pm

Great! I think there is enough interest or a present group, so I will plan to bring some "Red Hat" stuff to wear. It is so fun.

Again, thanks to all of you!

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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by SuzieQ1954 Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:48 pm

According to the "official" Red Hat website, the group in Ajijic is closed to new members and there are 0 members. So, when I get settled, I will start a new official group for positive women who want to support and encourage their fellow females. It will focus on fun but will have an element of service. I you have any interest, PM me, and I'll contact you when we are set to go.

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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by CanuckBob Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:30 pm

Hmmmm........well they called me two months ago to get into the parade however we didn't have a parade. Sorry I didn't get her name or number.
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Red Hats Society Unit Empty Re: Red Hats Society Unit

Post by SuzieQ1954 Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:12 pm

They may be an unregistered group, or the members may not have registered. There is a group officially registerd, but they show no members and that they are closed to new members. So, I will just see if there are others interested in a new group.

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