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Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic

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Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic Empty Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic

Post by toedippers Sat May 28, 2016 7:23 pm

Looks like there is a chapel (at least some kind of building with a cross on it) up behind Ajijic that can be hiked to from perhaps Galeana or Juarez.  I think I’ve seen early morning hikers/walkers climbing up there and was wondering where the trail starts, its condition and what the story is behind the building.

Any info would be appreciated…


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Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic Empty Re: Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic

Post by MexicoPete Sat May 28, 2016 10:25 pm

Yes I know that at the top of Juarez and a little to the West, next to my home is one of the trails to the little Chapel. Another trial starts at the top of Colon and a little to West next to the house on the uphill side of the top road near Colon.

It is a popular hike and enjoyed by many.
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Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic Empty Re: Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic

Post by Ms.Thang Sat May 28, 2016 11:17 pm

It's a good trail, moderate difficulty. The destination is called simply "La Cruz" or the cross. I think the whole point is that you suffer somewhat to go up there to say your prayers.

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Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic Empty Re: Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic

Post by Trailrunner Sun May 29, 2016 7:32 am

We hiked up to the Tepalo waterfall yesterday and it wasn't much fun. Not surprisingly there is not a drop of water anywhere, hot and dry as a bone up the mountain. Coming down is a bit treacherous. The views are about the only thing to go up there for, imho.

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Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic Empty Re: Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Sun May 29, 2016 7:34 am

Wow, I'm impressed. That is a tough go in this heat. Bravo!!
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Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic Empty Re: Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic

Post by Zedinmexico Sun May 29, 2016 7:38 am

Carry a walking stick for coming off the mountain. Lots of loose rock. Don't wander around mountain after dark!


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Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic Empty Re: Hiking to the little ‘chapel’ up the mountain behind Ajijic

Post by Zedinmexico Sun May 29, 2016 7:39 am

[quote="CanuckBob"]Wow, I'm impressed. That is a tough go in this heat. Bravo!![/quote

C.B. has a new picture!

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