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Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take

Canmex 87
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Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take Empty Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take

Post by Cincy Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:07 pm

Looking at Google maps, it appears we have a choice of taking Mexico 54 or Mexico 57 from Laredo to Ajijic. Both shown as toll roads and only a 30 minute difference in drive time. We plan to stop overnight en route (either Zacateras or San Luis Potosi) to break up the drive. Can anyone share their experiences / recommendations on which is the better route to take and places we might stay at?

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Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take Empty Re: Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take

Post by Canmex 87 Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:29 pm

We prefer the Zacatecas (#54) route as its 100 kms shorter (I hour) and avoids the corrupt police at San Luis Potosi.

Canmex 87
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Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take Empty Re: Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take

Post by Zea Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:25 pm

Rt. 54 through Zacatecas is a nice drive, but it is fairly empty countryside with few towns and sparse traffic on the highway (which made me worry a bit about breakdowns when I was alone in a geriatric car). More use Rt 57, which is more travelled but not congested. Easy to overnight in Matehuala.

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Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take Empty Re: Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take

Post by Snowballer99 Tue Jun 07, 2016 4:05 pm

We like 57 and stop at Matehuala for overnite. Nice hotel there (Las Palmas). If you decide to go thru San Luis Potosi, be sure to obey speed limits --- "they" are out there and watching your speed too. Don't choose Aguacalientes. This is a nightmare to get thru -- very busy, confusing and slow.


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Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take Empty Re: Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take

Post by Canada_Mike Tue Jun 07, 2016 7:42 pm

I agree with the 57-ers. I like the Las Palmas (esp since I have a dog,) and they have a good restaurant right there. There's one town you drive through where you have to watch your GPS carefully. (Maybe Lagos de Moreno, but not sure.)
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Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take Empty Re: Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take

Post by Snowballer99 Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:49 pm

One more note --- when possible, try to use the Cuota. This is identified with a "D" after the hwy # (ie. 57D). It is a toll road, but definitely worth the cost. Besides being higher speed, better roads (usually) and more direct routes, it is patrolled by the "Green Angels". They are a free (or donations) roadside assistance. They will help with any car trouble you might have (did I say they take donations? -- oh, I guess I did). Good luck.


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Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take Empty Re: Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take

Post by RVGRINGO Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:04 pm

Green Angles patrol on other highways, too. My first encounter with them was on Rt. 54 north of Zacatecas. Or, you can even call them. They have a website, if you wish to use a Google search. There, you will find good information to keep in your glove compartment.

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Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take Empty Re: Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take

Post by Cincy Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:34 pm

We had a little incident between Houston and Laredo today. The exhaust on the van we're driving separated into 2 pieces! The aft piece ground into the road and probably gave off an impressive shower of sparks... No problem. Used the nylon wrap strap off one of the suitcases to tie the loose end of the exhaust to the frame and stop it dragging. Well that lasted 5 miles and melted. Next it was off with my leather belt and a detour to Home Depot for fixin' stuff. It's now tied up with a steel cable but it was embarrassing walk around the hardware store holding my shorts up! Made the last 200 miles to Laredo okay. The van sounds like a muscle car from the 70's - very cool but deafening! Soon be in Ajijic! Listen out for us...ha,ha!

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Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take Empty Re: Laredo to Ajijic - which route to take

Post by CanuckBob Wed Jun 08, 2016 10:10 pm

It will fit right in with some of the other rides around here!!
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