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Speaking of Walmart...

Carry Bean
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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Speaking of Walmart...

Post by Carry Bean Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:02 am

Anybody notice how improved it's been lately? I'm seeing things there that I never saw before & it seems a lot more organized. They even have a "travel department" with things such as locks, straps to wrap around suitcases, etc. If it's a new manager, he sure knows his stuff.

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by gringal Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:31 am

Carry Bean wrote:Anybody notice how improved it's been lately?  I'm seeing things there that I never saw before & it seems a lot more organized.  They even have a "travel department" with things such as locks, straps to wrap around suitcases, etc.  If it's a new manager, he sure knows his stuff.

The thing I've noticed most is the produce improvement. It used to be a disaster. Looking pretty good now.

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by Bajabrady Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:09 am

I've noticed lots of product being stocked. Maybe more employees?

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by Carry Bean Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:16 am

They even  had salad spinners a few weeks ago that immediately sold out. And stocking mascarpone now too. Never had that before.

Last edited by Carry Bean on Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:17 am; edited 1 time in total

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by SunshineyDay Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:16 am

Yes it does seem more organized. Some items seem to be in more logical locations

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by Clueless Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:36 pm

Now, if they would just coordinate the prices on items with what they charge at the register, I would think that is great improvement.

A week ago I bought some pants market $188 and rang up at $198. Being the cheap S.O.B. (Sweet Old Boy), I had the manager come over and confirm the error and charged me the price on the tag.

Went yesterday and got another pair, still marked at $188 and rang up at $198. I let it pass since I didn't want to take another 5 minutes, plus, I can afford it.
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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by Bajabrady Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:10 pm

I thought SOB meant something else:)

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by islandiver Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:44 pm

Bajabrady wrote:I thought SOB meant something else:)

Short order barrister?

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by Bajabrady Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:48 pm

Umm... No.

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by WillieRae Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:09 pm

I just wish someone would explain to them how much h more efficient it would be to stock the shelves either first thing in the morning or late at night night. I remember having to do 're-sets after store other words, in the middle of the night when no customers were under foot....much faster to do. Plus the customers don't like to try to shop around all that stuff in the aisles!!!

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by Gamina Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:07 am

Remember, customer service is NOT number 1 in Mexico.
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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by Bajabrady Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:11 am

Agree. This is just mu observation. But they can hire 500 employee and you still won't get service. Cell phones should not be allowed at work.

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by gringal Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:19 am

Gamina wrote:Remember, customer service is NOT number 1 in Mexico.

"Efficiency" is a NOB thing.  You can drive yourself nuts taking note of how many things fail to meet the standards we were used to before.  One of the things Walmart does, in what has to be a desire to make their customers tour every area of the store to find what they want, is to constantly move things to a different location.  No, I don't especially like touring the entire drugs n' stuff area looking for an item that used to be on aisle three which is now somewhere else, but that's just the way it is here.

Yesterday, we were in Walmart and my husband found Quaker Oats on a shelf underneath one of the fruits and veggies setups. We moved to a foreign country, and is it ever!

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by rvanparys Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:51 am

Having spent the last five years in the Middle East, I have to say that stores like Walmart are fairly well organized... On the other hand getting used to the "Here's an open space lets stock it here"... adds zest to the shopping experience...

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by sm1mex Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:29 am

One thing I notice is when the weekly flyer comes out with the sale items in it, when you get to the check out, the regular price is charged and not the sale price, so I take the flyer with me and show the checker the sale price in the flyer, sure enough it rings up the regular price and not the sale price, but it is caught right at check out. last time I bought 2 items that were in the flyer on sale and it rang up over 20 pesos over the sale price, but when I showed them the flyer, they corrected it.

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by Bajabrady Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:32 am

Good idea. Bring the add with you. It's easier when you're only in line with a couple sale items I'm sure. I think I'd be lost if I had a basket of things.

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by sm1mex Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:34 am

True but not everything in the basket would be on sale. So the couple of items you might have on sale, just have them check them first and show them the ad, as the price you are charged will not be the sale price !! Happens every time.

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by Clueless Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:07 pm

However, as a post I made that seems to have been lost, you may get the sale price when you raise the issue, but those who don't notice it will pay the non-sale price; even as far as a week later.

But why make an issue, it's only a few pesos, as I was told many times before?
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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Walmart

Post by Kiri Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:30 pm

Clueless wrote:However, as a post I made that seems to have been lost, you may get the sale price when you raise the issue, but those who don't notice it will pay the non-sale price; even as far as a week later.

But why make an issue, it's only a few pesos, as I was told many times before?

Do you want those "few pesos" in your pocket or Walmart's? Frankly I want them in my own pocket. And I don't like anyone getting over on me. Happens far too often in this area. Ignoring it, just encourages it.
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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by MexicoPete Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:47 pm

After reading a similar post written about WallyMart several years ago. I too began to watch and just occasionally the prices would be too low. So I reported that too. The cashiers were so shocked, that one they charged too low a price and two that I would tell them, that they said. Don't worry about it. We will correct the error later, or words to that effect.

Now don't get me wrong, when I would find errors, usually the prices were too high, almost never too low.
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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by SuzieQ1954 Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:51 pm

Don't do a lot of WalMart shopping here, but the practice of overcharging at the register is common for WalMart in the US also.

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty USDA Choice Steaks

Post by Halfglass Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:03 am

I purchased a USDA Choice Ney Your steak the other day it was Great. I also see Rib Eye there also. I have to say the meat department has improved greatly.
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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

Post by sm1mex Wed Aug 10, 2016 10:07 am

We also have purchased things in the sale flyer and the price that rings up has always been the regular price, so we too show them the flyer before they ring it up. then it rings up the regular price and they change it right there before paying.

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Speaking of Walmart... Empty Re: Speaking of Walmart...

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