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Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone!

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Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone! Empty Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone!

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Jul 17, 2016 7:49 am

Hate to say it but they are almost all gone.  Outlet mall has four pairs left. None my size. Don't know about downtown Pirma store.   I know lots of folks who wear these and hate to say it I think they are gone and not coming back according to my spanglish and the clerks at the outlet Pirma store.  I still have two pairs in boxes but what do I do after that??? Teva are too fragile and expensive.  So time to go to some kind of Mexican shoe but as others will tell you really get use to the Pirma sandles as ugly as they are. (think of these as ugly keens ladies). So if anybody goes to the downtown Pirma store let us know if they have any pairs left as I can't drive to the downtown store (sound of chickens).



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Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone! Empty Re: Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone!

Post by Trailrunner Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:38 am

Z. There is this thing called internet. You go to a store of your choice that sells those shoes. You type in your credit card number. One day, many mañanas later, they arrive at your door in Mexico!
Es un milagro, no?
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Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone! Empty Re: Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone!

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:59 am

Pirma company doesn't even show them anymore.  Only Pirma sells them.  Don't ya think I looked dude :-).
Seriously folks are going to be upset they can't replace them. Nothing like them in the around 500/600P price.


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Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone! Empty Re: Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone!

Post by brigitte Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:26 am

So the people at the tianguis do not sell them anymore? I was going to go this week to buy husband is going to be out of luck..

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Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone! Empty Re: Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone!

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:41 am

Never seen them at the tianguis. Ajijic or St C? Maybe they have old stock? Pirma itself is no help at all. They just want to sell soccer stuff and sneakers these days. Thanks for the hint.

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Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone! Empty Re: Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone!

Post by brigitte Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:46 am

I bought a couple of pairs at the Ajijic tianguis a few years ago and I need more so I am looking. The Pirma store in san Cristobal de las Casas does not carry them..

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Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone! Empty Re: Pirma rubber walking sandles going going gone!

Post by gringal Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:29 pm

I was at the new Flexi store in Ajijic (south side of the Plaza) buying a pair of women's sandals and noticed a men's Pirma style sandal there. Obviously, I didn't try them on, but they looked sturdy and appropriately clunky, like the Pirma's my husband lives in these days. Might be worth checking out.
At least Flexi's are made of leather.
BTW, those sandals are the most comfortable I've ever worn!

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