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Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express.

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Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express. Empty Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express.

Post by Clueless Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:39 am

Being basically a cynic, I rarely, especially on boards, however, I'm making an exception and hoping to help both members here and Dr. Jose.

Dr. Jose worked at Dental Express for more than two years; I used him many times during that period and was always pleased with his work.

Dr. Jose elected to open his own office in Ajijic at 16 de Septembre, #2b. That's the same street as LCS and a couple of blocks West. It's small and unassuming however, that doesn't detract from the quality of his work.

I went to Dr. Jose Monday and had three teeth extracted and will be getting a bridge shortly. I can honestly say there was no "discomfort" when the anesthetic wore off. None at all, and this has been how it was every time I saw him.

He speaks perfect/conversational English (and of course Spanish) and his prices are very competitive.

I also believe he is going to be offering FREE basic teeth cleaning for LCS and American Legion members for a limited time. This is to get people to know him.

His phone numbers are: (376) 766-5993 and/or 33 15 460 466.

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Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express. Empty Re: Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express.

Post by gringal Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:15 am

I pass there on the way to Cocinart, and I think he really should remove that spooky looking pair of false teeth sitting next to the doorway..........not exactly a good advertisement for dental care!! Rolling Eyes

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Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express. Empty Re: Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express.

Post by Trailrunner Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:39 am

Hard to want to take any kind of recommendation from someone named 'Clueless' and who repeatedly posts the same inane questions on a webboard in order to direct their life. Just sayin'. . .
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Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express. Empty Re: Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express.

Post by slainte39 Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:33 am

Trailrunner wrote:Hard to want to take any kind of recommendation from someone named 'Clueless' and who repeatedly posts the same inane questions on a webboard in order to direct their life. Just sayin'. . .

At least this board only has one "clueless", who is self identified for our convenience.
TOB has scores under all sorts of "nom de guerres/plumes" recommendations.

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Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express. Empty UPDATE ON DR. JOSE FROMERLY OF DENTAL EXPRESS.

Post by Clueless Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:52 am

The FREE parking is no more; the man who runs the parking lot across from Dr. Jose's office took a job and closed the lot.

The FREE cleaning is still under consideration, stay tuned.

As for pricing, it's always best in everything, if cost is a factor, to do your DUE DILIGENCE and price shop. IMO, also factor quality of the doctor into the equation, and Dr. Jose is five star there.
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Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express. Empty Re: Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express.

Post by gringal Fri Nov 11, 2016 8:24 am

Clueless wrote:The FREE parking is no more; the man who runs the parking lot across from Dr. Jose's office took a job and closed the lot.

The FREE cleaning is still under consideration, stay tuned.

As for pricing, it's always best in everything, if cost is a factor, to do your DUE DILIGENCE and price shop. IMO, also factor quality of the doctor into the equation, and Dr. Jose is five star there.

Amigo, why would anyone take a recommendation about anything from someone who calls himself "clueless" ON PURPOSE?

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Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express. Empty Re: Five star recommendation for Dr. Jose formerly of Dental Express.

Post by gobluejohn Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:53 pm

Has anyone been to DRA Karen Gonzalez in Chapala, for dental work?
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