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Now I can relate to the parents out there!

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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Now I can relate to the parents out there!

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:31 pm

My little guy Sebastian has been sick the past two days and we had to take him to the baby doctor today. He's been coughing and wheezing a little, then today he got sick on himself.
Man all the terrible things that goes through a person's head when they see their three week old child sick and not feeling well.
The doc says he has a flem and an irritated throat and gave us a script for children's meds.

On the good side in the first two weeks he gained 400 grams and then in one week (the third week) he gained another 400 grams. :-)


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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Re: Now I can relate to the parents out there!

Post by CanuckBob Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:34 pm

You are learning so much. In a few years you can start buying him all the fun toys.

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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Re: Now I can relate to the parents out there!

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:48 pm

[quote="CanuckBob"]You are learning so much. In a few years you can start buying him all the fun toys. [/quote]

Yeh I think he'll like computer games! LOL
Really I bet he'll be into soccer like the rest of the boys here. I better brush up on the teams so I know what I'm talking about when he gets to be about 8 years old.


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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Re: Now I can relate to the parents out there!

Post by RichD Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:47 pm

Do not worry when they cry a lot. When they don't cry when sick is a sign of serious need for the doctor.
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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Re: Now I can relate to the parents out there!

Post by gringal Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:50 pm

It would be nice if they arrived with an operating manual for their caretakers use. Or could talk and tell you what is wrong when they cry.
Buen Suerte.

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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Re: Now I can relate to the parents out there!

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:02 pm

[quote="gringal"]It would be nice if they arrived with an operating manual for their caretakers use.  Or could talk and tell you what is wrong when they cry.  
Buen Suerte.[/quote]

LOL! I know right? I looked on the bottom and there is none! Thank goodness I found a good specialist baby doctor in Chapala. He thinks Sebastian will be well in about three days.


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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Re: Now I can relate to the parents out there!

Post by Carry Bean Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:36 pm

I hope the medicine gives him (and you) some sleep.

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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Re: Now I can relate to the parents out there!

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:56 am

[quote="Carry Bean"]I hope the medicine gives him (and you) some sleep.[/quote]

Thanks Carry. We all now have strep throat including Sebastian. Now he can't nurse (Gaby is on meds) and now the boy is constipated the last 24 hours. Called the doctor today and he gave up a recipe to make a very light prune juice to mix with his milk bottle. I'm hoping it breaks up his little unhappiness.


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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Re: Now I can relate to the parents out there!

Post by CanuckBob Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:05 pm

I hope Gaby makes you change those diapers too......jaja.

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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Re: Now I can relate to the parents out there!

Post by Clete Sat Nov 12, 2016 8:00 pm

Me&BearDog wrote:My little guy Sebastian has been sick the past two days and we had to take him to the baby doctor today. He's been coughing and wheezing a little, then today he got sick on himself.
Man all the terrible things that goes through a person's head when they see their three week old child sick and not feeling well.
The doc says he has a flem and an irritated throat and gave us a script for children's meds.  

On the good side in the first two weeks he gained 400 grams and then in one week (the third week) he gained another 400 grams.  :-)

Is this your first child?

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Now I can relate to the parents out there! Empty Re: Now I can relate to the parents out there!

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