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Adios, topes

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Adios, topes Empty Adios, topes

Post by peteben Mon Nov 14, 2016 9:46 pm

Just drove in to Ajijic from the west side around 5PM. There was a backhoe dismantling the topes where the army checkpoint was briefly setup a few years ago. Coming back a little later, the two big topes are gone, only the little ones remain.
I wonder if the tree seller and the fruit and nut seller will have to move now ?


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Adios, topes Empty Re: Adios, topes

Post by CanuckBob Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:37 am

Hopefully they carry on and remove all the other topes. I believe SJC and Joco would get far more business without them. The only time I go that way is if I'm going to use the 54D south otherwise I always go the other way in Guadalajara.

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Adios, topes Empty Re: Adios, topes

Post by Carry Bean Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:48 am

I agree. I avoid topes whenever possible and I wish they'd get rid of the ones in front of the fish restaurants too.

Carry Bean
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Adios, topes Empty Re: Adios, topes

Post by desafinada Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:47 pm

We don't usually drive that way either but we did today coming home from Costco. They have Lopez Mateos torn up at the intersection with the Periferico. It is down to one lane each direction. What a mess.

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Adios, topes Empty Re: Adios, topes

Post by cypress Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:44 am

desafinada wrote:We don't usually drive that way either but we did today coming home from Costco.  They have Lopez Mateos torn up at the intersection with the Periferico.  It is down to one lane each direction.  What a mess.
For how many kilometers is it torn up to the south west? Any problems if you are just going to the Lopez Mateos Costco?

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Adios, topes Empty Re: Adios, topes

Post by PoCo2012 Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:43 am

We were in centro Guadalajara and back to Costco on Lopez Mateo yesterday. The construction is about from from a bit before Home Depot to Plaza del Sol - ish. Traffic is diverted over to the oncoming lanes. They have the middle two lanes torn up. It needed it and sure will be nice when it's done. Traffic cops doing a good job of keeping everybody moving. Two lanes both ways. It moved reasonably well when we went in about 10ish and 2ish on the way back.
Glad to see the topes from the army post taken out. They were the worst.
If there were no topes out there traffic would be going 100kms an hour. The restaurants in the tourista zone are undergoing renovations and expanding all the is very busy through there...traffic control is necessary.
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Adios, topes Empty Re: Adios, topes

Post by CanuckBob Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:48 am

Traffic would be better controlled by traffic lights IMO. I understand they are starting to remove topes from México City because they realize that they are huge contributors to pollution with all the unnecessary stop and go.

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Adios, topes Empty Re: Adios, topes

Post by Carry Bean Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:46 pm

Move the white car & camera from the highway and put it there. That will fix any speeders and it would make more sense than it does near Ixtlahuacan.

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