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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

la luna
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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by hogline Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:30 pm

I do not remember it being this hazy and dusty in years past. Any ideas of what is causing this?

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:58 pm

Colima volcano has been erupting for weeks.
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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by hickton Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:02 pm

Was a pollution alert in guadalajara mid week maybe the same today but drifing this way.

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:34 pm

All of the above plus in previous years we would get many days of rain in late December and January. None so far and nothing predicted.

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by Trailrunner Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:41 pm

Another million cars on the road for high season?
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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by JayBear Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:00 pm

I can't guess but I have had to take Benedryl for the last 2 days--I get a sneezing fit.

That being said, air pollution here is down from when I first moved here around 11 years ago--the year the old dump off the Libramiento caught fire. That was not fun--I was downwind in lower Chula Vista then. We are lucky not to have any forest fires this year on the mountains SO FAR! But it is early days here--rains won't arrive until med-May if past years are any indication.

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by Wide Sky Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:37 pm

Considering lakeside is a the end of the Rio Lerma, maybe pollution from Mexico City coming down the valleys. It's been cold so burning as a source of heat makes sense. The haze has been a dirty brown/grey layer over the lake which moves in/out depending on the wind. Little bit of an inversion over the lake going on too. We've also seen lots of smoke from fires, likely fields being burnt in the area.

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by motherofburros Sun Jan 08, 2017 12:27 pm

We live high up on the western end of the lake and can see all the way down the lake on both sides and into Michoacan. For the past few days there has been a band of brownish haze which appears only on the more eastern end of the lake from Chapala/Ajijic where it is thickest, across the lake sometimes to the other side where it thins out. The west end of the lake from Jocotepec to the border of Jalisco is not affected. We think it is pollution from Guadalajara.

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by la luna Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:35 pm

Every winter we have the same thing going on. Why??? Because the air is cooler and the lake evaporates. Steam is rising. It does not smell and it is not pollution. It hangs just above the lake especially on colder days.

la luna
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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by RVGRINGO Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:29 am

La Luna is correct; it is just a foggy mist that hans over the lake as it evaporates in the very dry air.

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by gringal Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:16 pm

RVGRINGO wrote:La Luna is correct; it is just a foggy mist that hans over the lake as it evaporates in the very dry air.

So how come this "foggy mist" is brownish? Foggy mist mixed with air pollutants, possibly?

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:33 pm

Oh I'm sure there is some pollution involved here. Fog doesn't make me sneeze and make my eyes water.

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by gringal Mon Jan 09, 2017 4:48 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Oh I'm sure there is some pollution involved here. Fog doesn't make me sneeze and make my eyes water.
Mine either, and I spent much of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Foggy dew.  Grew up in the L.A. area and am VERY familiar with SMOG.  Let's get real:  when the air isn't fit to breathe in Guadalajara, some of it wafts over here and it will just get worse. Twisted Evil

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:29 pm

At least they are taking some measures to curb inflation. Vehicle emission control, etc. Hopefully it never gets as bad as L.A. was.

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by slainte39 Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:33 pm

CanuckBob wrote:At least they are taking some measures to curb inflation. Vehicle emission control, etc. Hopefully it never gets as bad as L.A. was.

Inflation or pollution?....or maybe inflation OF pollution?

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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by MexicoPete Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:04 pm

slainte39 wrote:
CanuckBob wrote:At least they are taking some measures to curb inflation. Vehicle emission control, etc. Hopefully it never gets as bad as L.A. was.

Inflation or pollution?....or maybe inflation OF pollution?

Slainte I thought you came from Scotland. That is Irish for inflate with pollution In Irish they use just one word. The word is inflation


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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:06 pm

slainte39 wrote:
CanuckBob wrote:At least they are taking some measures to curb inflation. Vehicle emission control, etc. Hopefully it never gets as bad as L.A. was.

Inflation or pollution?....or maybe inflation OF pollution?



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Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately? Empty Re: Does it seem like we are having a lot of air pollution lately?

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