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American Airlines Tightening the Screws

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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by sm1mex Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:35 am

This was on MSN (Sunday).

On Wednesday, American Airlines announced that its “no-frills” Basic Economy seats would go on sale Feb. 10 in some markets. If you buy one of these seats, you can only bring on a carry-on small enough to fit in the seat under you (if you bring any other bags, you must pay extra), will be among the last to board, will not be able to change or get a refund for your ticket or get same-day standby, and will have a seat assigned to you automatically.

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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by Trailrunner Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:39 am

VivaAerobus is like that, probably Southwest too. If you want a great price, you have to pay the price. . .
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by lunateak Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:54 am

Another example of how deregulation helps the consumer. Or not.
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by Clueless Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:23 am

lunateak wrote:Another example of how deregulation helps the consumer. Or not.

The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 really screwed the consumer in one major way. A passenger is barred from suing the airline for almost everything, either individually or in a class action. The only exceptions are mass torts (airline crash) or when the airline specifically breaches one of its own terms of service, otherwise your up the creek without a paddle.

I only know of one person who sued the airlines over a decade ago and prevailed.

As to last to board, there is one exception and it's based on the American with Disability Act, and that is if the passenger has a disability. and this isn't limited to a wheelchair, they must be allowed to pre-board. The "qualifying" disabilities include but are not limited to: Mobility (need a cane or crutches) , peanut allergy, hearing or vision impaired, etc. This applies to all airlines that originate or depart from the U.S.
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by RichD Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:28 am

Another ADA regulation says that a carried aboard medical device, like an oxygen generator or a CPAP machine, can not be counted as the allowed carry-on.
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by sm1mex Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:33 am

I fly a lot and I see people in wheel chairs, especially NOB to board first, and after they get on the plane they be-bop up and down the isles. Also have seen people in wheel chairs going to the same cruise as I was going to and the wheel chair person was on the dance floor doing the twist. Sad.

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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by MexicoPete Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:39 am

It is my understanding that American Airlines has a normal economy rate and that added to that for even less money they will be offering an even lower rate for it's no-frills” Basic Economy seats
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by sir Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:50 am

"probably Southwest too"

Might be appropriate and prudent to check facts before making assumptions? Southwest is most consistent and transparent of any US airline.

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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by sm1mex Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:07 pm

I see on MSN today, United has also joined the band wagon, no roller bags in the bins for economy tickets.

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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by Trailrunner Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:28 pm

sir wrote:"probably Southwest too"

Might be appropriate and prudent to check facts before making assumptions? Southwest is most consistent and transparent of any US airline.

. . .hence the word probably. YOU look it up since you're so worked up about it.
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by Clueless Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:17 pm

IMO, most if not all the major airlines are in lock-step with their fees.

Such is free enterprise.
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by Defarge Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:37 pm

Clueless wrote:IMO, most if not all the major airlines are in lock-step with their fees.

Such is free enterprise.

The hotel industry was another industry that despite anti trust regulations routinely communicated with each other daily on occupancy and rates. We'd call each other daily and trade info several times a day to raise rates as occupancy got tight around town. Now hotels are linked by "reservation" services that communicate the same info via computer under the guise of providing room prices to customers. But rates get fixed with that data too.

Every year, we'd get our price increase letter from Budweiser , two weeks later, we'd get the same increase from Miller and Coors. Competition does not always equal better consumer prices.
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by slainte39 Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:07 pm

sm1mex wrote:I fly a lot and I see people in wheel chairs, especially NOB to board first, and after they get on the plane they be-bop up and down the isles.  Also have seen people in wheel chairs going to the same cruise as I was going to and the wheel chair person was on the dance floor doing the twist.  Sad.

You ought to see the people who park in handicap parking spaces everywhere in Jalisco, without stickers, and most always without the wheel chair prop, so airlines aren't alone.  It's hard to even "buy" a handicap spot at Costco/Av Vallarta, and they have a lot of handicap spaces.

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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by WillieRae Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:10 am

Seems to me that is you own stocks in an OR A or mutual fund, you own stocks in airlines and of course want a larger bottom line every year...thus increased fares, fees, etc by the carrier charged to their pax. Can't have it both ways people!

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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by RichD Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:10 am

sm1mex wrote:You ought to see the people who park in handicap parking spaces everywhere in Jalisco, without stickers...

I do not believe a sticker is required. Just be pregnant or over 60 or so and you qualify.
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by MexicoPete Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:26 pm

Gosh that means that 90% of us retired folks qualify here lakeside.
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by Clueless Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:51 pm

So how does the cop know if you're preggie or over 60 unless you're in the car.

Mx. accepts handicapped hangers/plates from anywhere else I believe.
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American Airlines Tightening the Screws Empty Re: American Airlines Tightening the Screws

Post by RichD Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:27 pm

Clueless wrote:So how does the cop know if you're preggie or over 60 unless you're in the car.

Mx. accepts handicapped hangers/plates from anywhere else I believe.

He don't, Your point is?

"Visitor to Mexico
Your parking permit can not be used in Mexico."

I have a handicapped tag from NOB, but do I care? Not a chance. Tis better than those home made hangars that I see, but you really need nothing except a maternity frock or old age. The traffic cops would have a revenue stream if there were required actual placards.
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