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Alex Peterson-Acct Hacked_Scams (Occurred

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Alex Peterson-Acct Hacked_Scams (Occurred Empty Alex Peterson-Acct Hacked_Scams (Occurred

Post by lilikoi Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:41 pm

Please be aware that if you are a client of Alex Peterson that he is up here in Laredo currently with me. While we were just crossing the border today he discovered that one of his clients was bilked out of 5k pesos by phone call claiming he was in GDL in a car accident and desparately needed money. Another client was contacted about loaning him money to pick her something up at Costco. We are in Laredo. If anyone calls you pretending to be Alex, contact him by text.
do not fall for this money scam. the guy has apparently hacked his emails.
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Age : 71
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