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tope terrorists

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tope terrorists  Empty tope terrorists

Post by gravy Wed Apr 19, 2017 7:27 pm

the tope wars are on going in west Ajijic ... first there were the ribbon topes as I call them  (by Dona Fona Lola).... 6-7 thin little strips that bang your shocks and car .. discovered that if you hit them at 35 MPH ........( better yet at 40-50 ) the tires take the shock and you feel nothing ....
Now , by the school, the have installed the 1/2 moon types ..... the first week end , "they" removed 7 ....3 one side and 4 on the other .... they were replaced immediately.. ( under contract ?)  ..... after Easter , there are now 3 missing ...... it is said that the trucker hate them and remove them at night ....... some one has a garage full of them ..LOL.......... it could be that there is no way to properly anchor them
AH MEXICO gotta love her
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