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Leary in Ajijic

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Leary in Ajijic Empty Leary in Ajijic

Post by shana Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:01 pm

I have started researching to try to find the diaries I read years ago. This is the 1st thing I found mentioning Timothy Leary.

n the final chapter, Alexandra Bateman revisits the '60s and '70s. Even Timothy Leary lived here for awhile, renting "Zara's mill house by the lake." Werner Von Braun, technical director of the German rocket center at Peenemunde, spent time at Lake Chapala in the '70s and Alexandra remembers that "My sister and I often ended up on the same bus with a very blond teenager who was his son." Alexandra concludes the final chapter this way: "We have great hopes for the little village, the place where water flows."
If you find stuff about the gringo drug years here add it here.

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Leary in Ajijic Empty Re: Leary in Ajijic

Post by Trailrunner Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:03 pm

Azu's mom, right?
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Leary in Ajijic Empty Re: Leary in Ajijic

Post by shana Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:27 pm

Jerry Kamstra, an acknowledged former beatnik drug smuggler, wrote Weed: Adventures of a Dope Smuggler (1974). The book includes an account of his year-long stay in San Nicolás de Ibarra, a village a short distance east of Chapala, beginning in 1963, and of the LSD cult in Ajijic at the time. Kamstra, who also wrote a novel The Frisco Kid (1975), later served as director of The Henry Miller Memorial Library in Big Sur,

There is lots of stuff out there. We could easily develop a colorful drug history and LSD tour of local homes for PM. Could be fun.

Yes it is Azu's mother and her father was also mentioned.

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Leary in Ajijic Empty Re: Leary in Ajijic

Post by Trailrunner Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:55 pm

Available in hardback or paperback on Amazon. No digital, darn. Would love to read it. I've read a few of the other books written in those days, wish I had been here then, cool peeps. Azu's dad!
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Leary in Ajijic Empty Re: Leary in Ajijic

Post by Trailrunner Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:56 pm

Available in hardback or paperback on Amazon. No digital, darn. Would love to read it. I've read a few of the other books written in those days, wish I had been here then, cool peeps. Azu's dad!
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Leary in Ajijic Empty Re: Leary in Ajijic

Post by solajijic Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:28 pm

I enjoyed reading those early books too. Between the liquor, drugs, sex and porn action it was hopping. I haven't heard mention of those stories in years. There were some artists who were here for a while who did drawings for sex illustrations and racy novel covers - can't remembermuch about it.

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Location : Ajijic November 2004
Humor : "I a, a practical woman. Sentiment only takes one so far. At some point, practicality must enter the room."

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Leary in Ajijic Empty Re: Leary in Ajijic

Post by shana Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:31 pm

I believe it may be at Mi Mexico in hard cover for 200P

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Leary in Ajijic Empty Re: Leary in Ajijic

Post by Trailrunner Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:45 pm

Really!?!  I will go look, gracias Shana.
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Leary in Ajijic Empty Re: Leary in Ajijic

Post by CHILLIN Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:13 pm

shana wrote:We could easily develop a colorful drug history and LSD tour of local homes for PM.  Could be fun.

Maybe once cannabis is legalised in Mexico. One of the most funny parts of the Earl Kemp stories I sent in, was if he was going to be away from Ajijic for a few weeks, his housekeeper would arrange tours of his house with her relatives, friends, and favoured locals - she called it a tour of "Casa Sexo". Don't forget the "scandalous" goings on while filming "Night of Iguana" really put Puerto Vallarta on the map, as in "what's in the water down there??". The press flocked there, and actually the radio broadcasts were sent in from what would eventually become, but not any longer, my parent's home on Los Muertos beach.
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Leary in Ajijic Empty Re: Leary in Ajijic

Post by Trailrunner Sat Jun 24, 2017 7:31 pm

I was here in Mexico in those years, but never came up to the lake. We hung out mostly in PV, Yelapa, DF, Mazatlan, San Blas, etc being beach rats.

I don't think I ever met any of these guys, but I was aware of them, their tales traveled far in those days. They were wild, hard-living drinkers and we lived different lifestyles, we just wanted to eat tacos and catch waves. And smoke weed. lol

Good times, those days here in Mexico, lots of adventure.

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