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ISO gardener, 10 hours per month in San Antonio

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ISO gardener, 10 hours per month in San Antonio Empty ISO gardener, 10 hours per month in San Antonio

Post by Abrria Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:04 am

Hola, I am looking for a gardener for approximately 10 hours per month in San Antonio.

Bilingual would be nice but more importantly he needs to have his own mower, weeder, a tall ladder and be able to remove the garden debris.

Maybe some of you could please ask your gardener if they know of anyone.

My gardener left me high and dry and I am now living in a jungle.

Muchas gracias.

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ISO gardener, 10 hours per month in San Antonio Empty Re: ISO gardener, 10 hours per month in San Antonio

Post by Bill Phillips Sun Aug 06, 2017 6:56 am

I just sent you a Private Message....
Bill Phillips
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