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FOUND: ATM card for Jack Pomp

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FOUND:  ATM card for Jack Pomp Empty FOUND: ATM card for Jack Pomp

Post by Sunnyvmx Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:02 pm

I have the ATM card for Mr. Jack Pomp. I would be happy to return the card with proper ID. If you know Jack, please give him my phone number.

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FOUND:  ATM card for Jack Pomp Empty Re: FOUND: ATM card for Jack Pomp

Post by Bubba2shoes Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:27 pm

That notice that Sunnyvmx found Jack´s ATM Card is amazing and reminds me of a recent incident in my in my life where I lost a puppy who foolishly escaped from my property in West Ajijic.  A civiliized couple of expats found her racing about the  Lake Chapala deserted  beach  west of Six Corners and, even though she had no tag, they turned her over to a local vet for adoption and, besause we left notices on the Inside Lakeside Forum. we found her and she is back home where she belongs. I never thought we would see her again  Nice town in many respects.  If we had been back in Mobile, she would have been shrimp bate.

Thanks Sunny.

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FOUND:  ATM card for Jack Pomp Empty Re: FOUND: ATM card for Jack Pomp

Post by CanuckBob Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:28 pm

or bait......... Beer

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FOUND:  ATM card for Jack Pomp Empty Re: FOUND: ATM card for Jack Pomp

Post by Bubba2shoes Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:46 pm

CanuckBob wrote:or bait......... Beer

OK. CB.  Unlike Canadians who need "bait" to catch supper in ordinary survival mode, we  Ex-Alabamians cross town to the supermarket where we purchase the gruel we subsequently consume - mainly.fried grits and okra. Consequently we may incorrectly spell the Canadian forest dweller´s  (AKA redneck clodhopper's) coloquial spelling of earthworms  on a hook intended to attract and intice largely muddy tasting fresh wáter bottom feeders to accompany the coming night´s insipid mashed potatoes.  Good catch, though.

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