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Traffic congestion

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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by Gamina Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:47 pm

When the traffic fines get returned to the municipio, I think the transitos will be encouraged to be more diligent.

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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by David Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:52 pm

Not likely. Tickets are cheap, Mordida expensive.
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by slainte39 Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:13 pm

David wrote:Any other practical suggestions for reducing traffic congestion?

Make turning lanes for left hand turning where ever possible like there is at the Carr. and Libramiento intersection.
J Encarnacion Rosas, Colon, Aquiles Serdan in Ajijic.  San Jose in SAT, as some possiblilties.

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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by Trailrunner Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:45 pm

Yes, I've always wondered why there are none. Figured there wasn't enough room.
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by David Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:50 pm

In many places there aren't. The Walmart intersection does have room.
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by Trailrunner Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:37 pm

Right, David!  Plenty of room there to make a REAL intersection. I guess they don't because . . . they don't want to.
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by David Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:45 pm

I think Walmart should petition the local Gov't to get something done. It's far too dangerous the way it is.
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by Kiri Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:48 pm

David wrote:I think Walmart should petition the local Gov't to get something done.  It's far too dangerous the way it is.

You are absolutely right!
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Just a Suggestion

Post by Cheesehead Sun Nov 19, 2017 9:53 pm

Remove the F'ing lights in La Floresta and put one at Revolucion!!!!


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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by Trailrunner Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:57 am

Cheesehead wrote:Remove the F'ing lights in La Floresta and put one at Revolucion!!!!

Totally agree, far more cross traffic there than LF.

I don't think WM shives a tiny git about the intersection. If they cared about their customers they wouldn't have the most insecure parking lot with the highest number of car thefts in the area - this according to the Chapala PD that told me not to leave my windows down for the dog when I park there. I solved that problem by not shopping there and haven't been back since.
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by ltollefs Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:30 am

If it isn't broken, it's incompetent, if it isn't broken or incompetent, it's corrupt, but at least it's all done with a smile (usually).

n.b. options are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by hickton Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:44 am

Yes get rid of la floresta lights and lights at coca cola.
No left turn into or out of walmart . There
Is just too many distractions.badly planned.

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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by gringal Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:48 am

Does anyone else remember Walmart's promises before they built the store?  The many trees; the four way stop intersection, etc.?
That was the "courtship" period.  Ever notice how, once a thing is built, whether promises are kept or not; whether it's legal or not and whether it's a visual blight or a stays that way.

How do I know this for sure?  My neighbor, in a two story limit neighborhood, built (without permits) a ridiculously narrow house with a basement (which floods) and three stories above that. It was reported during construction; notices from the authorities arrive regularly (dumped in our mailbox) and nothing whatsoever has been done or probably ever will be done.
Moral of story: ignore the rules and get 'er done.  Nothing will happen. In the unlikely event that a "stop work" order is actually issued: wait awhile and start again.

There's "the way it should be" and there's "the way it is".
Walmart will be doing nothing.

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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by Kiri Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:15 am

hickton wrote:Yes get rid of la floresta lights and lights at coca cola.
No left turn into or out of walmart . There
Is just too many distractions.badly planned.
This isn't bad planning... it's lack of thought!
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by CanuckBob Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:16 am

No left turns out of WalMart would result in illegal u-turns up the street and even more of a sh$tfest in front of Superlake....IMO.

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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by CanuckBob Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:22 am

What they could do is move the western exit to line up with the intersection so you can either turn left or go straight up the libriemento as directed by the light. Then they could put in center barriers so it isn't possible to turn left out of the eastern exit.

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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by gringal Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:31 am

CanuckBob wrote:What they could do is move the western exit to line up with the intersection so you can either turn left or go straight up the libriemento as directed by the light. Then they could put in center barriers so it isn't possible to turn left out of the eastern exit.

Both good suggestions.

What I do is to drive out the Eastern exit, proceed in the right lane to where there is a stop light going into the El Parque area; turn left and wind around to head west there.  Other options involve exiting Walmart at the same place and going down the bumpy exit that leads down a dirt road to wind up behind Walmart and heading to la Floresta.  The worst part is that, at that Eastern exit, the angle going out is such that you can't really see what's coming at you from the entrance/exit until it's almost upon you.
None of this works very well, of course. Rolling Eyes

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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by Trailrunner Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:42 am

Everything will be exacerbated when that monstrosity development fills up next door. Perhaps there is a plan for the intersections then.

But then . . .Probably not.
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

Post by ferret Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:31 am

I was laughing as I was reading your post gringal. My mother never made a left hand turn in her life. It might have taken her a little longer to get where she wanted to go but right hand turns eventually got her there.
I used to park in the back parking lot at the Laguna Mall when I wanted to get a haircut or visit the food court. The impossibility of making a left turn out of there to head east has changed my parking habits. I now park in the big lot in front... then I can exit onto the libremiento and turn left with the lights.
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Traffic congestion - Page 2 Empty Re: Traffic congestion

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