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Minimum wage

doc holiday
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Minimum wage Empty Minimum wage

Post by doc holiday Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:44 pm

Mexico to raise minimum $4.70 a day........of interest

doc holiday
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Minimum wage Empty Re: Minimum wage

Post by Ezzie Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:03 pm

$4.70 what?? Pesos, US$, CDN$, Yen???

The national currency of this country is the Mexican peso.

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Minimum wage Empty Re: Minimum wage

Post by oncesubtle Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:11 pm

88.36 pesos a day. Can't wait to hear someone bitch about that other than it isn't enough.

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Minimum wage Empty Re: Minimum wage

Post by Clueless Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:15 pm

As I have asked before; does anyone in Mx. actually work for that amount?

I'm trying to find a worker and will pay $75 per hour and none around. And I did ask at our fracc. office, gave out flyers (sSpanish) at building sites at the fracc, and no luck.

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Minimum wage Empty Re: Minimum wage

Post by CanuckBob Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:40 pm

I imagine some of those minimum wages along with benefits are being paid at factories. Around here the maids and gardeners are getting $50 per hour for part time work. Less for fulltime. The constuction workers start at $200 per day with some of the more skilled workers getting $350 per day. The maestro usually wants $500 per day. That has been my experience of late.

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Minimum wage Empty Re: Minimum wage

Post by brigitte Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:06 pm

In Chiapas the peones get 100 pesos a day and the albañil 200 pesos a day in Tulum the albañil gets 700 pesos a day.. big difference but big difference in th cost of living as well.

Very few people work for the minimum wage but fines and many things are based on the official minimum wage..

On an interesting note we built kilns in Jalisco, Guanajuato, Metepec, edo Mexico and Chiapas and the best albañiles by far were the ones from Chiapas.. The Maestro in charge of the projects is Japanese and difficult to please, he was blown away by the Chiapas people and how little money they made..

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Minimum wage Empty Re: Minimum wage

Post by CanuckBob Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:13 pm

According to this article about 24 million Mexicans work for the minimum wage. Most of them have two jobs.

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Minimum wage Empty Re: Minimum wage

Post by Trailrunner Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:42 pm

The cashiers at SuperLake are paid minimum wage. grrrr

They raised the minimum wage 8 pesos. Compassion for the poor, and poorly employed, in this country is only surpassed by their government's generosity. grrr

However, it's complicated, as Brigitte pointed out so many fines and other charges are based on the minimum wage so raising that does have it's ramifications.
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Minimum wage Empty Re: Minimum wage

Post by Clueless Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:28 pm

From my experience over the years, workers Lakeside get premium pay. Maids (not that good work) get minimum $50 per hour and if someone offers them $55, they are gone even w/o giving you a chance to meet the new price.

I got one finally for &75 per hour including his cell phone time, roasted chicken from Chapala and a 1/2 hour break to go into town on his moto to get Doritos and a drink. Two days he swore he could be here on time; two days he didn't shou until an hour late. That was his last day.

And BTW, He didn't even know how to do what I needed but lucky for me, I knew and showed him how.

IMO, the problem is the gringo who has a lot of money and will pay pretty much what is asked (which I did at $75. per hour) and still can't get dependable workers.

And then there was Chuy Lopez. I'm looking for someone to re-do the painting job right where it's peeling off after three weeks even though he swore he knew hor to prep an experior wall.

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