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need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ?

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need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ? Empty need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ?

Post by twelveoaks Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:42 pm

Thanks to all of you who have replied to all of my dumb questions in the past. Here is another one !

I am a U.S. citizen but am residente permanente in Mexico. I will be flying from Guadalajara to Puerto Vallarta and NOT leaving Mexico.

My question is: do I need to take my passport or will my residente permanente visa suffice ?

Thanks again !

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need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ? Empty Re: need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ?

Post by CanuckBob Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:18 pm

When travelling domestically I have never needed my passport. I have used my resident card and Jalisco DL. However that being said I usually do take my passport as it may be required in an emergency situation.

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need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ? Empty Re: need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ?

Post by Gamina Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:28 pm

Take a COPY of the face page of your passport.
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need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ? Empty Re: need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ?

Post by Gamina Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:29 pm

oop a dup
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need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ? Empty Re: need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ?

Post by CanuckBob Thu Feb 15, 2018 2:50 pm

Unless it is nortorized a copy of a passport is not usable as ID.

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need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ? Empty Re: need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ?

Post by Trailrunner Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:59 pm

Yes,and it can't be a color copy.

When I travel in MX I carry my passport and INM card. If there is any kind of an emergency or accident they will want to see both and if not available it will be a huge hassle. The Highway Patrol can stop and ask for immigration status. Besides, it's Mexico - anything can happen.
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need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ? Empty Re: need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ?

Post by caligirl108 Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:23 pm

Banks don't take copies of Passports as ID, I found out at CiBanco a week ago. So if the ATM machine has a problem & take card to window for cashier withdrawal, MUST be passport not copy. (P.s. the continuing problems of the CiBanco ATM machine has to do with running out of 500 notes.. when that happens, the machine will not disperse anything over 5000 pesos, in 200 notes. Can be done twice, if 10K needed.)

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need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ? Empty Re: need passport to travel in Mexico as residente permanente ?

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